Louisiana is home to an incredible diversity of wildlife and wildlife habitats that provide critical ecological services, aesthetic and recreational benefits, and economic opportunities to residents and visitors alike. Basic and applied research activities focus on wetland landscapes, wildlife populations, coastal and freshwater fisheries, and forest resources and ecology.
(Video 12/15/23) Preserving genetic material for aquatic species is the mission of the LSU AgCenter Aquatic Germplasm and Genetic Resources Center.
(Video 11/01/23) Louisiana is known as a major wintering ground for North American waterfowl. But there is a new visitor to the state.
(08/07/23) Marsh Maneuvers is a five-day camp, which teaches Louisiana students about the importance of marsh and coastal environments.
To determine how successful coastal restoration efforts are, researchers are looking at how a group of secretive marsh birds are using these areas.
(03/10/23) Researchers in the LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources are collecting data on secretive marsh birds.
(02/28/23) BATON ROUGE, La. — Breakthroughs in the preservation techniques of aquatic species genomes could aid conservation efforts.