Louisiana Rice Research Board Supports Industry Improvements

The Louisiana Rice Research Board recently met to review funded projects, evaluate new proposed projects and make decisions on funding for 2006. The board is a 13-member group that administers funds collected at a rate of $.05/cwt on all rice produced in Louisiana. These funds can be used only for rice-related research purposes. This program was established as a result of state legislation and then was approved by rice producers, who voted to initiate the check-off in 1972. The members are selected by the governor from a list of nominees submitted by major rice producer organizations in the state. These members serve with no remuneration, and all of their services are totally voluntary. Current board members include Johnny Boudreaux, John Denison (Secretary-Treasurer), Richard Fontenot, Ernest Girouard (Chairman), Paul Guillory, Johnny Hensgens, Jackie Loewer (Vice-Chairman), Bobby Miller, Ed Patrick, Hine Unkel, Brian Wild and Wayne Wild. The late Errol Lounsberry, who passed away in July, was a very active member of the board for many years.

The board provides funds to a number of LSU AgCenter scientists conducting research that will provide new technologies to improve rice production and utilization. Funded projects cover a broad range of research areas such as variety development, genetics, weed, disease and insect control, physiology, agronomic practices, ratoon (second) crop production, economics as well as several areas of post-harvest technology.

Research funded by this board has led to dramatic improvements in rice production technology. Average per acre yields have increased more than 40 percent since this board has been funding research. Much of this increase in yield is due to improved varieties that have greater yield potential under Louisiana climatic conditions. Other improvements have come from better weed, insect and disease control technology, much of which has been conducted in Louisiana under board funded projects.

The economic situation for rice producers in Louisiana is currently fairly bleak. This is despite the fact that the average per acre yield produced in the state in 2005 could set an all-time record. Prices that rice producers are receiving for the crop is low, and the production costs are extremely high. The production of rice requires a great deal of fossil fuels, especially to run irrigation wells and pumps to keep fields flooded. Rice also requires high levels of nitrogen fertilizer, the price of which is dictated by the price of natural gas. Everyone is aware of the current costs for fossil fuels, thus it is easy to see why the cost of production is so high. Because of these factors, most rice industry experts predict that the acreage planted to rice in Louisiana in 2006 will be dramatically reduced from the 2005 level.

Since the amount of money available to the board is directly related to acreage and yield, it is highly probable that the amount will be greatly reduced next year. With this in mind, the board had to make some hard decisions on funding levels at the recent meeting. These decisions involved reducing the funding level for most projects. Even at the reduced levels, these funds are crucial to the projects that receive them. Research is expensive, and the availability as well as stability of funding plays a key role in the long-term productivity of any research endeavor. The Rice Research Board funds have been a very stable source of money through the years and thus have helped many rice research endeavors deliver improved technology to the industry. This in turn helps keep our industry as competitive as possible, which is especially critical under economic conditions such as those faced by producers today.

Permission granted 03/22/06 by B. Leonards (LA Farm & Ranch Magazine) to republish article on www.lsuagcenter.com.
1/10/2006 12:50:24 AM
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