In this article, Dr. Parvej discusses things to be considered regarding soil fertility and nutrient management in fall.
(Video) In this story, explore new and old cover crops techniques used to improve the environment and farming conditions.
One of the earliest decisions to be made in pasture and hay meadow establishment is the forage or combination of forage varieties you will plant. The variety must be adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of your farm. Information on choosing a variety, variety descriptions and planting methods are included. (PDF Format Only)
The publication should help producers make more informed decisions about which hybrid to select.
(Video) The unique composition of soils in northeast Louisiana led to the creation of the Macon Ridge Research Station more than 50 years ago. Research there has helped producers overcome the difficulties of producing crops on the Macon Ridge soils. Near Winnsboro on 815 acres, the station focuses on entomology, plant pathology, forage production for cattle and weed science. Agriculture is the area’s main industry with nearly 500,000 acres of crops grown in the region.
(Video 09/30/15) Louisiana cotton farmers have begun picking their crop. What they are finding is disappointing on two fronts, lower yields than last year and low prices. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has this report. (Runtime: 01:33)
(Video 09/16/15) Farmers across Louisiana are busy harvesting soybeans, Louisiana’s largest crop in terms of acreage. Last year was a record yield for producers, but this year’s growing conditions were less kind. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has this report. (Runtime: 01:34)
(Video 06/24/15) LSU AgCenter researchers are helping farmers in north Louisiana combat pest problems in a particularly rainy year. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard attended a field day where the scientists talked with farmers about their research, and she has this story. (Runtime: 01:39)
(Video 05/13/15) This year’s cotton crop may be the lowest on record in terms of acreage. Low prices for cotton and better prices for other commodities are to blame. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux explains how low cotton acres affect rural economies. (Runtime: 01:26)
(Video 04/29/15) This year’s wet weather across Louisiana is slowing down the planting of Louisiana’s soybean crop, which could affect yields when harvesting begins in late summer. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has the story. (Runtime: 01:43)
(Video 04/01/15) For corn farmers across Louisiana, it is a case of déjà vu. Again this year, persistent wet conditions have caused corn planting to run behind schedule, but that may not necessarily be a bad omen for farmers. Craig Gautreaux has this report. (Runtime: 01:30)
(Video 01/21/15) The USDA estimates that U.S. farmers harvested approximately 4 billion bushels of soybeans, exceeding the previous record of nearly 3.4 billion bushels. Farmers in Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi heard the latest developments concerning soybeans, and LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has the story.(Runtime: 02:02)
2014 Sorghum Hybrid Performance Trials and Management Guide
(Video) Louisiana farmers have enjoyed high commodity prices coupled with high yields over the past few years, but 2014 was different. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard looks back over the year in agriculture.
2016 recommendations for rice varieties and management tips for them. Decisions about rice varieties are some of the most critical you will make, and those decisions have to be made early each year. The information in this publication will help you decide which rice varieties are best suited to your particular growing conditions. (PDF Format and printed)
For the Louisiana wheat and oat industry to remain viable, it is essential that producers and consultants be able to identify and manage existing and emerging weed, insect and disease issues. To meet this need, the Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board provided support through checkoff funds to develop this pocket field guide.
(Video 09/03/14) Louisiana’s corn crop is coming in. Good weather during the growing season has translated into good yields. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has this report.
The U.S. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 renewed interest in use of agricultural crops as a feedstock for biofuel. Among them, sweet sorghum has received attention as a potential biofuel crop because the sap from the plant is relatively high in fermentable sugars. Sweet sorghum is related to grain sorghum but has been developed for greater production of sugar and biomass. (PDF format only)
(Video: 07/23/14) Louisiana's corn and cotton crops have benefited from good weather and few disease or insect problems during their growing season. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has an update. (Runtime: 1:28 seconds)
(Video: 07/23/14) A new grain sorghum variety coupled with a new herbicide will help farmers control grassy weeds in their fields, but an insect could damage this year's sorghum crop. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has this report. (Runtime: 1:26 seconds)
Rice is one of the world’s most important cereal crops. Rice and wheat together make up the majority of the world’s source of calories. They feed the world. Information on general agronomic guidelines, varieties, soils, plant nutrition, fertilization, rice drying, economics and weed, disease and pest management. (Individual chapter pdfs are located at the bottom of the page.)
(Video News) While harvest has wrapped up on many crops, Louisiana farmers are busy planting wheat. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard looks at the planting season. (Runtime: 1:23)
Annual Performance of Corn Hybrids for 2013. The results from these trials and the OVT's provides information to the grower to help in hybrid selection for their farm.
(Video News 10/17/13) Yields are high for Louisiana’s cotton crop LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard reports that good weather and good land have farmers reaching for a record. (Runtime: 1:36)
(Video News 09/13/13) Researchers at the LSU AgCenter Macon Ridge Research Station are helping farmers handle problems in their fields. Farmers heard about solutions to several issues at the station’s field day. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard was there. (Runtime: 1:45)
(Audio 09/10/13) As farmers wrap up the corn harvest in Louisiana, they will look at ways to handle the residue from the plants that remain in the fields. LSU AgCenter agronomist Josh Lofton is evaluating five different systems that farmers can use. (Runtime: 1:25)
(Audio 09/09/13) Farmers harvesting grain sorghum are encountering problems with the white sugarcane aphid. LSU AgCenter entomologist Sebe Brown says the insect is infesting sorghum for the first time in Louisiana. (Runtime: 1:05)
(Video News 07/22/13) A new insect that can damage soybeans has been found in Louisiana. The kudzu bug arrived on the East Coast about four years ago and has been migrating west. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story. (Runtime: 1:42)
(Video News 6/28/13) An LSU AgCenter researcher is helping farmers deal with nitrogen loss on their corn crop. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard spoke scientist working in northeast Louisiana. (Runtime: 1:22)
(Video News 06/21/13) Much of northeast Louisiana’s economy is fueled by agriculture, and soybeans are a major commodity in the region. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard reports that soybean research at the Northeast Research Station is benefiting growers. (Runtime: 1:44)
(Audio News 06/20/13) More acres were dedicated to soybeans in 2012 than any other row crop in Louisiana. LSU AgCenter researchers in northeast Louisiana are helping farmers improve the way they grow soybeans. Donnie Miller is evaluating the effects of residual herbicides on weeds that have become resistant to the glyphosate herbicide which was so effective on Roundup Ready crops. (Runtime: 1:40)
(Video News 05/07/13) Cotton is no longer king among crops in Louisiana. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard reports that acreage has fallen dramatically over the past ten years. (Runtime: 1:27)
(Video News 03/07/13) To control insects, farmers also need to control weeds. Spring plantings are starting, and it’s best to begin with a field that has few insects around it. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story.
(Video) The unique composition of soils in northeast Louisiana led to the creation of the Macon Ridge Research Station more than 50 years ago. Research there has helped producers overcome the difficulties of producing crops on the Macon Ridge soils. Near Winnsboro on 815 acres, the station focuses on entomology, plant pathology, forage production for cattle and weed science. Agriculture is the area’s main industry with nearly 500,000 acres of crops grown in the region.
(Video News 08/10/12) Rice farmers were able to get in their fields early this year to begin the harvest. Disease problems have caused a drop in yields in some areas, but in other fields the harvest looks good. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has this report. (Runtime: 1:32)
(Video News 08/10/12) Rice farmers were able to get in their fields early this year to begin the harvest. Disease problems have caused a drop in yields in some areas, but in other fields the harvest looks good. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has this report. (Runtime: 1:32)
(Video News 07/27/12) LSU AgCenter researchers are looking for ways to enhance crop production and increase profits for farmers. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux reports that there are some challenges facing growers but there are also opportunities. (Runtime 1:49)
(Video News 07/11/12) The Louisiana rice crop is maturing early this year thanks to a mild winter and spring. But these weather conditions also may have helped a rice disease thrive. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has this report. (Runtime: 1:40)
(Video News 06/29/12) The outlook is optimistic for Louisiana’s corn and cotton crops. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard says early planting has been beneficial to crop growth. (Runtime: 1:40)
(Radio News 04/20/12) Wheat producers have had some anxious moments this season. A warm and wet winter is ideal for diseases that target wheat. And the warm and drier weather over the past several weeks has caused the wheat to mature early according to LSU AgCenter wheat specialist Ed Twidwell. (Runtime 1:04)
(Radio News 04/20/12) Wheat producers have had some anxious moments this season. A warm and wet winter is ideal for diseases that target wheat. And the warm and drier weather over the past several weeks has caused the wheat to mature early according to LSU AgCenter wheat specialist Ed Twidwell. (Runtime 1:04)
This page contains the grain corn hybrids performance trials research summaries
(Video) The unique composition of soils in northeast Louisiana led to the creation of the Macon Ridge Research Station more than 50 years ago. Research there has helped producers overcome the difficulties of producing crops on the Macon Ridge soils. Near Winnsboro on 815 acres, the station focuses on entomology, plant pathology, forage production for cattle and weed science. Agriculture is the area’s main industry with nearly 500,000 acres of crops grown in the region.
Each year the LSU AgCenter tests commercial grain sorghum hybrids entered in the state yield tests by private seed companies. From these, a grower should choose several that are adapted to an individual farm. Information in the tables should help you make these important decisions