4-H Youth Development, Horticulture & Livestock/Forage, Upcoming ANR Events, and Nutrition & Community Health.
Layne Langley, LSU AgCenter Area Nutrition & Community Health Agent worked with youth in both East Feliciana and West Feliciana.
4-H Mission Nutrition Cooking Club learns about Louisiana Commodities.
4-H Youth Development, Horticulture & Livestock/Forage, Upcoming ANR Educational Events and Nutrition & Community Health.
Minutes for the West Feliciana Advisory Leadership Council & Joint Advisory Leadership Council Meeting was held in the West Feliciana LSU AgCenter Office.
Have you heard the West Feliciana LSU AgCenter is partnering with the West Feliciana Parish Library to provide a variety of samples of herbs and spices?
The St. Francisville Farmers Market operates weekly in an open-air barn off Wilcox Street in St. Francisville.
Information about the Feliciana Master Gardener Class.
A pre-emergence herbicide application can save you time, money and effort by killing the weed shortly after the seeds germinate.
Black flies, or buffalo gnats, are a major nusiance in the Feliciana parishes in spring.
The LSU AgCenter will hold an Agritourism Education Meeting for people involved or interested in agritourism.
Family & Consumer Sciences, 4-H Youth Development, Horticulture & Livestock/Forage, and Upcoming Events.
3rd Quarterly Highlight July - September 2023
The forest products industry contributes to each parish economy in several ways, including jobs, wages and purchases in the local economies.
Information about programming for April through June 2023.
East Feliciana summer nutrition program.
Nutrition programs taught in East & West Feliciana.
Member of the Bains Lower Elementary Green Thumb Club and what they learned in the 2022/2023 school year.
Programs and activities our office has done from April to June of 2023.
West Feliciana Council on Aging Participate in Healthy Aging Series article.
Stay Independent Series Offered
West Feliciana program highlights from January to March of 2023.
Members of the LSU AgCenter East & West Feliciana Parishes Family & Consumer Sciences Advisory Leadership Council met at the West Feliciana LSU AgCenter office.
Come take a tour through some of St. Francisville's most beautiful private gardens.
Highlights of the West Feliciana Extension office programs from October of 2022 through December of 2022.
Green Thumb Club forms at Bains Lower Elementary.
Break Up With Salt Class Offered
Is It Time You Break Up with Salt?
Do you have or are you at risk for Hypertension/High Blood Pressure?
Family & Consumer Sciences, 4-H Youth Development, and Horticulture/Ag & Natural Resources.
Nutrition agent to conduct workshop to ready graduating seniors on preparing meals using small appliances.
Citizens of West Feliciana Parish met with discuss the Family & Consumer Sciences Program and provide recommendations for future programming.
Join Layne Langley at the West Feliciana Parish Extension office to learn about managing diabetes through meal planning, label reading, and portion control.
4-H enrollment information for the 2021-2022 school year will be available soon.
Layne Langley, Area Nutrition Agent recently conducted a hypertension program "Break Up with Salt" where participants learned how to manage high blood pressure.
Feliciana Master Gardeners donate and deliver soil for raised beds at Bains Lower Elementary school gardens in St. Francisville, West Feliciana Parish.
LSU AgCenter brings nutrition programs to the Family Service Center in St. Francisville.
Dining with Diabetes Classes being offered.
Food Safety for Food Crop Producers After Flooding
Area Nutrition Agent, Layne Langley, teaches nutrition programs to youth participating in the West Feliciana Parks & Rec Summer Camp this summer.
Youth in St. Francisville, West Feliciana Parish, learn how to choose healthy snacks and beverages during this nutrition workshop.
High School football players guide students in planting cucumber and squash plants and pumpkin seeds.
Football players from West Feliciana Parish High School work to prepare two school gardens in preparation for some summer planting.
Layne Langley, Area Nutrition Agent provides an overview of a two-part nutrition series she conducted titled "Setting the Table for Healthy Eating".
Let's Eat for the Health of It is a curriculum for adults and is based on the latest scientific research about food and physical activity.
West Feliciana Area Nutrition Agent, Layne Langley, recently conducted an online nutrition series "Let's Eat for the Health of It". Topics included: physical a
Weekly online/virtual “lunch & learn” series, “Show and Go” Parish Livestock Show, and more.
We are excited to announce to the citizens of West Feliciana that there are two new parklettes for the people of West Feliciana.
Advisory Leadership Council members met to discuss the Family & Consumer Sciences Program in West Feliciana.
The recent artic blast was hard on citrus trees. Here is what you should do now.
A newsletter for horticulturists. Numbers on the fertilizer bag, Serena Angelonia, and watering plants.
Consuming more fruits and vegetables along with whole grains, lean meats, nuts, and beans is a safe and healthy way to lose or maintain weight.
Consumers are the largest food wasters. The average American family of four throws out $1600 a year in produce.
January is the month for new beginnings and a perfect time to begin exercising or increasing your physical activity for better health.
High-protein, low-fat, high-fiber pulse grains are heavy hitters for human health & nutrition and these plants boost soil fertility, also.
Controling rodents around your home and brassica pests.
They provide numerous vitamins and minerals essential for your health. Compared to a candy bar, soda, or snack grab bag, fruits and vegetables are a bargain.
Brassicas are easy to grow but are susceptible to some insect pests.
Sod webworms are out in epic porportions.
The need for opportunities for indoor physical activity (PA) during the cold & wet months of the year is important. Weather can promote or deter PA behaviors.
In this article, you will learn how many fruits you should consume daily, how much fruit is considered one cup and 1/2 cup.
Fruits and vegetables are a good source of numerous essential vitamins and minerals.
Challenge Camp is a fun two day camp for 7th and 8th graders where they learn team building skills and complete fun educational challenges.
It is fall and the cooler temperatures make it is a great time to get outside and have fun with some physical activity (PA). Here are some ideas for PA.
Adding oranges to your diet is an easy way to reach the recommended 2 cups of fruits each day. Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the world.