4-H University will be moving to a virtual platform this year!
Please see the information listed below and contact Mrs. Alayna if you are interested in participating!
Leadership Board Applications are due May 11, 2020 - the application packet is attached below
Assist with the development of educational programs that provide opportunities for exploring citizenship and cultural awareness on local, state and national levels; developing and increasing leadership, social, emotional, and character skills; and building a sense of civic engagement.
Promote the Louisiana Healthy Living Program and serve as its teen advisory group.
Assist with the development of educational programs that provide opportunities to explore careers in fashion: textile science, apparel design, merchandising and related industries; develop leadership abilities and character; build self-confidence and poise by improving ability to make wise consumer purchases and financial decisions regarding apparel; recognize quality and predict performance of textile and apparel products; expand and share textile and apparel knowledge, including technical and creative skills; and improve public-speaking and presentation skills.
To empower members with the tools and opportunities needed to explore, create, and gain valuable experience in the fields of Science, Engineering, and Technology.
Represent 4-H and specifically 4-H Shooting Sports for public relations purposes at special events; at donor/supporter functions and with the general public, peer groups, 4-H groups, community service groups, schools and media contacts. Serve as spokespersons for the 4-H Shooting Sports program at their respective levels of participation – national, regional, state, parish - helping to make 4-H Shooting Sports programs more visible.
(Regional representative for the Northeast Region is a great way to begin your leadership at the state level!)
Applicants will be elected for the 5 officer positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Historian/Reporter, and Parliamentarian. In addition, 3 regional representatives will be elected for each of the 5 regions for a total of 15 regional representatives.
National 4 H Conference is the pinnacle experience in 4 H civic engagement, providing the opportunity for young people to connect, learn, engage, lead and impact their communities, their nation, and their world. The conference is administered by 4-H National Headquarters of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The conference serves to develop the next generation of U.S. leaders. Delegates attend training workshops, become acquainted with government, and meet with state leaders. Four delegates will be chosen to represent Louisiana 4-H at the National 4-H Conference in Chevy Chase, MD, on April 10-15, 2021
Fashion Contests and 4-H Has Talent
Agriculture Demo, Family and Consumer Science Demo, Public Speaking (any other and cooperative), Outdoor Skills
Career Preparation, Consumer Foods Judging, Sports Broadcasting, Automotive, Consumer Decision Making
Louisiana Chef, Photography, Teens Driving Teens, Dog and Cat Science, Fishing Sports, Meats Judging
Environmental Conservation Talk & Insect Identification
Saturday, August 29 (please note the date):
Dairy Judging, Horse Judging, Horticulture Judging, Livestock Judging, and Poultry Judging
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture