The LSU AgCenter is dedicated to providing innovative research, information and education to improve people’s lives. Working in a statewide network of parish extension offices, research stations and academic departments, the LSU AgCenter helps Louisiana citizens make the best use of natural resources, protect the environment, enhance agricultural enterprises, and develop human and community resources.
Nutrition & Community Health (NCH) programs offer youth and adult nutrition education and community outreach in Webster Parish. We provide two major programs: SNAP-Ed, and Flavors of Health. The SNAP-Ed program offers free nutrition lessons and information to SNAP recipients. The Flavors of Health program focuses on general nutrition and health, offering classes and workshops on a variety of topics that empower individuals and families to make healthy food and fitness choices.
4-H Youth in Webster Parish engage in hands-on learning experiences and peer role modeling. The 2023-2024 club's focus was on Life Skills for students in grades four through twelve, emphasizing the development of essential skills for success in life. Topics such as first aid, laundry care, internet safety, phone etiquette, handling disappointment, and cultural awareness were covered throughout the parish. Project clubs address the interests of youth looking to deepen their involvement in specific areas like shooting sports, livestock, and Junior Leaders. 4-H youth participate in livestock programming, which includes beef, lamb, swine, goats, poultry, dairy, rabbits, and horses.
The Webster Parish Extension Office provides citizens with a variety of services in Agriculture and Natural Resources. These include the following: soil sampling through the LSU AgCenter Soil Laboratory. Forage and Hay Sampling, and Water Sampling through the LSU AgCenter Chemistry Department. Staff of the Webster Parish Extension Office work closely with local commodity groups such as the Webster Parish Cattlemen’s Association, and governmental organizations such as the Dorcheat Soil and Water Conservation Board, the USDA, NRCS, USDA Farms Services Agency and the Webster Farm Bureau.
381 4-H members at (15 school 4-H Clubs) approximately 3,000 individuals through Nutrition and Community Health & Ag and Natural Resources programs
4-H Clubs, school enrichment, field days, publications, newsletters, class series, website, social media, and workshops
150 volunteers from 4-H, Master Gardeners, Master Horseman, family, and community.
LSU AgCenter county agents provide research-based information on plant, aquaculture, wildlife, and animal enterprises to Webster Parish residents. The total dollar amount from these commodities were: Agriculture numbers as of 2023: Total Plant enterprises: $22,440,120, Fisheries and Wildlife: $352,600, Animal enterprises (livestock): $51,225,832, Total of ALL agriculture enterprises: $77,186,552.
Webster Parish is 393,600 acres.
Land area — 615 square miles; Population —35, 238; Population under 18 years old — 22.5%; Population 65 years old and over — 20.8%; Median household income — $37,396; Persons in poverty — 20.3%
Our stakeholders at the parish level are the local supporters and beneficiaries of the LSU AgCenter cooperative extension programs. Their support keeps these critical programs in their communities.