Hurricane Assistance, USDA Disaster Programs, Mosquito Outbreaks, Meat Sales Up, and Disaster Response Resources for Livestock Producers.
Newsletter to provide current information to cattle producers and to assist producers in acquiring supplies needed.
Hay, Bermudagrass Growth Stages, Beef Survey, Cattle Market, Livestock Hauling
Newsletter with information on Field Day,Tough Winter, Abortions in Cattle, Alternative Proteins,Markets for U.S. Beef and Pork,LA Migrant Program
Newsletter for cattle producers on Managing Shrink, Bulk Twine, Ryegrass Orders, Exporting Beef to China, 42-0-0 Foliar Fertilizer, Calf Price Rally Report.
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Master Cattleman; Summer Calf Management; Public Concern Drives Policy on Antibiotic Use; Trade Bill passes, Could Open Trade to Pacific Rim; Will a Seasonal Down Turn Occur This Year
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Winter Pasture Budgets, Bulk Feed, Low Stress Livestock Handling, To Worm or Not To Worm - That is a Good Question?, Louisiana Cattle market update, Improved Pasture Conditions Could Allow For Herd Expansion, Acadiana Cattle Producers' Fall Field Day.
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Master Cattleman, Weed Tour, Comparing Breeds of Bulls, Feed Additive Found Safe, Feedlot Placement Practices, Market Report.
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Popular Culture and Agriculture; Barbecue; Horn Flies; Grass Fed Beef; Pulling Together Cattle on Feed, Cold Storage and Beef Demand Indicators; Posts; Ryegrass Orders; Multi-Parish Cattlemen's Night at Dominique's Stockyard
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Acadiana Cattle Producers Field Day, Stretching Hay Supplies, Farm Bill Passes, January 1 Cattle Numbers from in the Cattle Markets
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Economics of Hay, Bulk Feed, Cattle Production and Greenhouse Gases
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Winter Pasture, Winter Supplementation, Can We Send Beef to the Middle East?, Farm Bill Update From NCBA, Market Update, How Fast Can the Beef Cow Herd be Rebuilt?, Acadiana Beef Cattle Producers Field Day.
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Master Cattle Producer Course, Posts, Hurricane Preparedness, Control Parasites in Suckling Calves, Market Factors, Horse Slaughter, Farm Bill Update
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: What Does Hay Take?, Legal for Trade Scales, Blood Drive, Food Scarcity: The Cost of Failure, Market Update, Ryegrass Orders.
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Acadiana Cattle Producers Field Day, Grazing Management, Cattle ID, Beef Demand Index Improvement, U.S. Meat Consumption Down.
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Feed, Master Farmer Program, Johne's Disease, Agriculture Committees, Wheat Pasture Prospects.
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Distillers Dried Grains, Winter Pasture, Ryegrass Seed, Cattle Producer Field Day, Beef Cattle Apps,
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Fertilizer Markets Shifting, Master Cattle Producer Course, Attention Ranchers: Opportunity Knocking, Managing Input Risk Amid Yield Uncertainty.
Information for cattle and forage producers. Included in this issue are the following articles: Lean, Finely Textured Beef, Establishing Seeded Bermudagrass, Acadiana Cattle Producers Spring Field Day and Master Cattle Producer Graduation, Blood Drive, Louisiana Cattle Market Update, Baling Twine Orders, Ryegrass Seed Orders,