Terrebonne Parish Profile

About the LSU AgCenter

The LSU AgCenter is dedicated to providing innovative research, information and education to improve people’s lives. Working in a statewide network of parish extension offices, research stations and academic departments, the LSU AgCenter helps Louisiana citizens make the best use of natural resources, protect the environment, enhance agricultural enterprises, and develop human and community resources.

Program Highlights

Family and Consumer Sciences

Statistics show that Terrebonne parish’s obesity rate is greater than 40%. Improving the overall health and nutrition of families and individuals is the focus of our nutrition agents and nutrition educator. Nutrition lessons, food demonstrations, and taste testing are taught in schools, camps, church, and library settings. The parish is now a part of the CDC High Obesity grant. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) program utilizes economic development strategies to improve the local food system and build an environment so that community members can better access healthy foods and an opportunity for physical activity.

4-H Youth Development

The Terrebonne 4-H Youth Development Program focuses on enriching the lives of young people through fun, interactive, hands-on learning. Youth participate in 4-H project work, camps, demonstrations, contests, workshops, and service-learning projects. Terrebonne 4-H youth have gained valuable life skills through participation in parish, state, and national programs. Terrebonne 4-H youth are participating in a lesson series about teamwork. These lessons teach important life skills that will benefit children and teens as they grow into competent, caring adults.

Fisheries and Agriculture and Natural Resources

The staff offer various agricultural field days and demonstrations. Private pesticide applicator re-certification class is offered through our office. Home visits to identify lawn problems are made daily by the horticulture agent.

The fisheries agent works with our local fishermen and docks to bring them the latest research to assist in harvest sustainability, marketing, and product quality assurance. Domestic seafood harvest supports the longevity of prominent fishing communities such as those down each of the bayous in Terrebonne parish.

Whom We Reach:

  • 5,000 youth (includes 600 4-H members and 32 school 4-H Clubs).
  • 12,400 adults (through agriculture and natural resources and through family consumer sciences).

How We Reach Them:

4-H Clubs, school enrichment, field days, publications, newsletters, class series, website, social media and workshops.

Expanding Our Efforts:

150 volunteers from 4-H, Master Gardeners, TVFC, family and community.

Parish Facts:

    LSU AgCenter county agents provide research-based information on plant, aquaculture, wildlife, and animal enterprises to Terrebonne Parish residents. The total dollar amount from these commodities were: Animal enterprises, $2,727,095; aquaculture and wildlife, $82,214,759; plant enterprises, $21,651,492.

    Land area — 1,254.92 square miles; Population —109,580; Population under 18 years old — 24.6%; Population 65 years old and over — 16.8%; Median household income — $57,940; Persons below poverty — 17.8%.

Local Issues and Plans for this Year:

Increase productivity and profitability of Louisiana agriculture

  • Continue educational programs based on local need.
  • Keep the public updated on pest outbreaks and disaster awareness.
  • Conduct farm and home educational visits.
  • Conduct Pesticide Certification Testing

Promote the wide use of natural resources and protection of the environment

  • Deliver the latest research to assist in harvest sustainability, marketing, and product quality assurance.
  • Provide technical assistance upon request regarding gear installation on shrimp vessels, proper water quality and circulation information and suggestions in softshell crab and shedding operations. Sharing research on processing at the dock are a few of the ways the fisheries agent interacts with the fishing community.
  • As new community members look to work as fishermen and related industries in our community, workshops are scheduled in 2024 to provide them with information on need permits, licenses, and business planning education.
  • Providing all community members with accurate information about nutritional, economic and sustainable benefits of consuming domestic seafood is an ongoing goal of the fisheries agent

Build leaders and good citizens through 4-H Youth Development

  • Develop and implement service-learning projects throughout the parish.
  • Provide youth with leadership opportunities.
  • Increase a sense of belonging by establishing common ground, celebrating diversity, and creating opportunities for youth to interact and serve others together.
  • Conduct educational programs focusing on life skills to the youth through 4-H club meetings.

Strengthen families and communities

  • Conduct nutrition programs that help create healthy communities by improving overall nutrition and increasing physical activity levels, in youth and adults, which will help produce long lasting behavior changes.
  • Teach nutrition lessons and healthy recipe demonstrations to audiences in the parish.
  • Collaborate with community leaders and stakeholders on parish needs assessment.

How is Extension Funded?

  • Federal funding from the USDA/NIFA.
  • State general funds from the Louisiana Legislature.
  • Local support from parish government, including police juries and school boards.
  • Self-generated funds.

What Role do You Play?

Our stakeholders at the parish level are the local supporters and beneficiaries of the LSU AgCenter cooperative extension programs. Their support keeps these critical programs in their communities.

Each Parish Offers Programming in:

  • 4-H and Youth Development.
  • Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  • Family and Consumer Sciences.

For the latest research-based information on just about anything, visit our website: LSUAgCenter.com

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
