4-H Agent's Message

Mrs. Cherie and Mr. Reed welcome you to the Terrebonne 4-H website. We hope the information posted to our page will help keep you up to date about our 4-H events and activities.

As your 4-H Agents, our mission is to create a fun, safe learning environment for all youth. Our 4-H youth will learn a variety of life skills that will benefit them well beyond their school years.

4-H is a club that includes everyone! We offer a project focus or interest that fits everyone. 4-H continues to offer their traditional programs such as cookeries and livestock, but we have grown into so much more. Leadership and Citizenship are two major focus areas within the parish program.

We are excited to work with the youth in the parish as they will “Learn by Doing” and continue to “Make the Best Better!”

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
