The LSU AgCenter is dedicated to providing innovative research, information and education to improve people’s lives. Working in a statewide network of parish extension offices, research stations and academic departments, the LSU AgCenter helps Louisiana citizens make the best use of natural resources, protect the environment, enhance agricultural enterprises, and develop human and community resources.
SNAP-ED Nutrition Educator II is continuing teaching SNAP-ED nutrition classes with multiple Tangipahoa Parish schools and multiple parish counseling on aging centers. The Tangipahoa Parish AgCenter works diligently in multiple parish school and community gardens teaching about food crop education and nutrition classes throughout the parish and community to improve nutrition education.
Tangipahoa Parish 4-H enrollment is approximately 754 students. We reach over 1,000 youth across Tangipahoa Parish among various parish activities. Some of our 4-H activities are open to the public and not just 4-H participants. We believe that we have approximately an additional 150 youth that attend monthly club meetings that we do not have in our enrollment system. This year we had 35 clubs across the parish (33 school clubs and 2 community clubs). Our parish reaches a very diverse audience of youth. Enrollment continues to increase in the Shooting Sports Project Club, Poultry Project Club, and the Livestock Project Club. These increases led to a greater representation of Tangipahoa Parish 4-H on both a regional and state level. Some of our Shooting Sports and Livestock participants even compete on a national level. The Tangipahoa Parish Junior Leader Club is composed of 22 members of which 15 are active on a parish, regional, and state level.
Horticulture- Tangipahoa is one of the top horticultural crop-producing parishes in Louisiana, with approximately 1000 acres of commercial nursery crop, vegetable, and fruit production. Local LSU AgCenter support for fruit and vegetable growers includes one-on-one assistance and Tangi-Washington Grower Updates emailed to growers and posted on the LSU AgCenter website, workshops, recertifications, and technical assistance. The LSU AgCenter provides support to Tangipahoa Parish gardeners with one-on-one assistance, weekly news articles, and presentations in the community. During 2022, volunteers with the Louisiana Master Gardener program logged 2218 hours of volunteer service. Fourteen new volunteers completed the 14-week LMG course. Volunteer hours are valued at $26.33 per hour in Louisiana. Volunteer work strengthens our organization and our communities.
Livestock/Pasture-Programming included working with current and new producers in Tangipahoa Parish who need assistance with forage, hay, pesticide, and cattle issues as well as working with farmers as a consultant on new and ongoing production practices including beef and dairy cattle. Working with many producers and homeowners for pond issues by answering calls and field visits. Participate in Tangipahoa Parish Cattlemen’s Association Annual meeting to promote the AgCenter and build clientele network.
Forestry/Wildlife-Programs curated specifically for students in Tree Identification, Wildlife, and renewable natural resources. Teacher training is now being conducted at site specific locations. Future semesters will include field trips where students will increase their knowledge of water quality, forestry, wildlife and renewable natural resources. Evaluations for students and teachers will be conducted to evaluate programming impact. Landowner meetings to help participants increase knowledge on estate planning and timber taxes concentrating on recent losses from Hurricane Ida. ANR Regional Committee worked together to host a regional ANR training for agents covering soil and pond water quality testing.
Louisiana Sea Grant Marine Extension Program (LSG MEP) is a joint extension effort with the LSU AgCenter promoting science-based information and tools through outreach and education that support our thriving coastal communities. Marine Extension Agents reside in parishes across the coast implementing programming to improve local habitats, recreational and commercial fishing industries, extend education programs to youth and adults, encourage resilient planning, and develop economic opportunities through local partnerships. In Tangipahoa Parish, LSG MEP is involved in youth education at schools and wetland education events at local state parks. Communities have received resiliency outreach on the potential effects of tropical storm preparedness and recovery. Pond workshops occur biennially, with opportunities for individual consulting as needed. Support efforts to reduce pollution in local waterways, historically through the Parish Water Quality Taskforce and Dairy Lagoon Research-based outreach, and currently through youth education programs, and Master Gardener Programming.
Youth programming (includes over 750 4-H members and 36 school 4-H Clubs) and (898 youth and over 150 adults through nutrition education classes) Adult and Youth programming through agriculture and natural resources and through family consumer sciences programs.
4-H Clubs, school enrichment, field days, publications, newsletters, class series, website, social media, and workshops.
175 volunteers from 4-H, Master Gardeners, family and community and Master Cattlemen.
LSU AgCenter county agents provide research-based information on plant, aquaculture, wildlife, and animal enterprises to Tangipahoa Parish residents. The total dollar amount from these commodities were: Animal enterprises, $49,617,987; aquaculture and wildlife, $270,000; plant enterprises, $42,664,034.
Land area — 791.17 square miles; Population —135,217; Population under 18 years old — 24.6%; Population 65 years old and over — 15.1%; Median household income — $51,659; Persons below poverty — 17.8%
You are the local supporters and beneficiaries of the LSU AgCenter extension programs. Your support keeps these programs in your communities. Your parish extension office offers programs in:
LSU AgCenter State Appropriated Funds for FY 2022-2023: