Each year, we face situations in which some of our plants could be injured by cold weather.
The LSU AgCenter is offering six classes covering a variety of garden- and landscape-related topics in early 2025.
Hawthorns and crabapples native to Louisiana tend to grow into small trees, have thorny branches, flower in spring, and have fruit that is consumed by wildlife.
Fall is one of the best times to plant most types of trees and shrubs in Louisiana.
Tawny crazy ant colonies grow to contain very large numbers of ants with multiple queens, and people often find piles of dead ants
Composting is a way to take yard, garden, and kitchen “waste” and turn it into something useful.
If you want long-term control of fire ants but also need to get rid of them quickly in one or more spots, you can take a two-step approach.
Sooty mold grows where insects have secreted a sugary substance called honeydew.
Besides the amount of rainfall that we get and the intensity of rainstorms, a number of other factors affect how much erosion occurs on a site.
Leaves and roots of plants play major roles in reducing erosion.
The LSU AgCenter has a lot of resources that address a variety of topics.
Several types of insects make highly noticeable webs in trees.
Information on use of native hibiscus plants in the landscape.
Fall webworm control methods for landscape and fruit trees.
While tropical milkweed is most readily available in garden centers, a number of milkweed species are native to Louisiana.
It’s helpful to know what poison ivy looks like.
It’s important to start spraying for Virginia buttonweed during the spring, since this is when the weed is more tender and susceptible to herbicides.
Easter lilies are perennials in the landscape in most parts of Louisiana.
Growing magnolia trees in the home landscape.
Annuals can quickly provide a splash of color – due to their flowers, foliage, or both – in the landscape.
It's recommended that the warm-season turfgrasses commonly grown in Louisiana be fertilized between April and August.
Individuals in the Louisiana Master Gardener program help the LSU AgCenter provide education about gardening and lawn care.
Kirilow’s or Chinese indigo is sometimes cultivated under tree canopies in Louisiana. There are also wild or false indigos that are grown as ornamental plants.
Alternatives to the more invasive wisterias include American wisteria and evergreen wisteria.
Black flies, or buffalo gnats, are a major nusiance in the Feliciana parishes in spring.
If you’re going to use an herbicide, it’s important to do it while weeds are small.
Late January to mid-February is the primary time of year to prune everblooming roses in Louisiana.
For woody plants and palms, waiting is advised.
Chinese privet is, unfortunately, a common plant in the southeastern US.
Despite having ornamental qualities, tung oil trees are not the best choice for all locations.
Several yucca species and at least one agave are considered native to Louisiana.
Dwarf palmetto, saw palmetto, and several species of prickly pear cacti round out the discussion of prickly plants native to Louisiana.
Distyliums are evergreen, tolerate Louisiana's climate, and can be used as hedge or foundation plants.
While they’re sometimes thrown out after their fall flower display, garden mums are perennials and can be planted in the landscape.
Viburnums, as a group, have long been a bit nebulous to me.
Some of the plants most closely associated with the holidays are daylength sensitive. Exposure to long periods of darkness is a key to getting them to bloom.
Birds need food, water, and shelter. Gardens can provide all of these.
Drift roses are groundcover roses. Like Knock Out roses, they bloom over a long period, but they remain smaller than Knock Out roses do.
As of August 24, the US Drought Monitor showed all areas of Tangipahoa and Washington Parishes in severe drought.
Bamboos are grasses. There are many species. We generally divide them into running and clumping types.
If you have a stand of bamboo that you want to get rid of, you have a couple of options.
May or June beetles feed on many species of plants.
Of the six springs I’ve been working in Extension in Louisiana, I’ve received more questions about lawn problems this year than any other.
There are a variety of ways that trees can be damaged during construction.
This week, I’m writing about a few more plants – including a shrub and several herbaceous perennials – as well as some native plant resources.
Governor Edwards proclaimed April 2023 Native Plant Month, and I thought I’d write about a few of my favorites.
Ornamental plants that bloom in late winter and early spring generally bloom on shoots that grew in a previous season. These should be pruned after flowering.
Some salvias tend to be perennial here, while others don’t.
Many gingers are among the root-hardy tropicals that enrich our landscapes in southeastern Louisiana.
This article wraps up a series about plants for moist or wet sites.
If you’d like a deciduous plant for moist or wet sites, you have options.
Plants in low areas and on sites with a water table close to the surface need to be able to tolerate a good deal of soil moisture.
Exposure to a sufficient extent of cold temperatures, followed by warm temperatures favorable for growth, is involved determining when a plant "wakes up."
Fourteen individuals recently completed the LSU AgCenter’s Louisiana Master Gardener (LMG) course in Tangipahoa Parish.
There are simple ways to differentiate among American chestnut, Chinese chestnut, and Allegheny chinquapin trees.
When aphids have been on a plant, we often see skins (the exoskeletons they shed as they molt) and aphid “mummies,” or parasitized aphid bodies.
One way to add cheer to winter and early spring landscapes is to plant cool-season flowering plants.
The leaves of Louisiana irises provide green color in landscape beds through the winter and then flower in the spring.
Raised beds are often the best option for growing vegetables at home.
The phrase “right plant, right place” encompasses much of what people need to know about landscaping.
A relatively way to kill many types of unwanted woody vines, shrubs, and trees is to make a “cut stump” treatment with a triclopyr-containing herbicide.
There's a variety of purple- and pink-flowered perennials that perform well in our climate and attract butterflies and bees.
Few questions come up as frequently as those about lichens.
Some are among the plants that are reliably perennial in Louisiana.
Individuals in the Louisiana Master Gardener program help the LSU AgCenter provide education about gardening and lawn care.
Magnolia, gardenias, and star jasmine are popular ornamental plant for southern gardens. Blooming between April and June, these plants produce fragrant flowers.
Regardless of whether you seed, sod, plug, or sprig, there are certain things to do before and after planting turfgrass.
First, consider whether turfgrass is the best choice for your site.
Hydrangeas come in many varieties. Knowing how to properly care for them will ensure blooms from spring to summer.
As we approach the end of April, now is the time to fertilize your lawn, vegetable gardens, and spring blooming shrubs.
Mulch serves important purposes in landscapes and other sites where plants are grown.
The dormant period, prior to when new growth begins, is a good time to prune crape myrtles, as well as other plants that flower on new growth.
Nine individuals in Tangipahoa Parish recently advanced from being LMG Trainees to LMG Apprentices.
Camellias are popular sources of color in fall and winter gardens in the southeastern US.
To give the plant the best chance for survival, you must make sure that sufficient roots are retained when the plant is dug.
Exclusion should be the primary defense against indoor invaders of any kind.
Fall webworms feed on the leaves of many plants, with pecans, persimmons, bald cypresses, and sweetgums among the trees on which they’re most commonly observed.
Three highly wind-resistant species are among our most iconic Louisiana trees: bald cypress, live oak, and southern magnolia.
Orchids include species from a wide range of climates and with a variety of growth habits. The commonly sold Phalaenopsis orchids are relatively easy to grow.
Here are some examples of herbaceous, summer-flowering plants that are perennial in our climate.
Like we do, plants need certain nutrients to live. It’s important that they have enough of each essential element but not an excessive amount of any one.
Plants often need supplemental nitrogen, in addition to what they would naturally be able to obtain from the soil, for optimal growth.
Complete fertilizers provide nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and are often useful. Sometimes, though, separate phosphorus and potassium sources are needed.
This article rounds out our discussion of macronutrients, or elements that plants contain in relatively large concentrations.
In most cases, micronutrient quantities naturally available in soil are sufficient, but there are situations in which micronutrient fertilization is needed.
A soil test is needed to know what your soil’s pH is and how much, if any, lime or sulfur is needed.
Sedges are characterized by stems that are triangular in cross-section.
I’ve recently observed a variety of wildflowers blooming in my yard and neighborhood. You might have seen some of these, too.
While fall the preferred time to plant most types of tree and shrubs, planting in early spring is better than late spring or summer.
Late winter and early spring, as the aboveground parts of plants start growing again, are good times to fertilize perennial plants in landscape beds.
Pre-emergence herbicides prevent weed seed germination.
Some products have similar trade names but contain active ingredients that have different effects.
Understanding how plants respond to pruning cuts can help you get plants to grow in the way that you desire.
A number of evergreen plants provide options for screening, depending on the desired height and width, how sunny or shady the site is, and how wet the area is.
Plants not suited to wet conditions often develop root rot or just don’t grow well in wet areas. Thankfully, we have options for wet spots.
Mushrooms of Armillaria and Desarmillaria fungi, which cause root rot on a number of woody plants, often appear in the fall.