Bottlebrush tree, pincushion flower, two-lined spittlebug, narrowleaf vetch, periodical cicadas, lawn thatch.
Scarlet Creeper, Spotted Lanternfly, Slow release vs. Control Release Fertilizer, Eucalyptus Tree, Joro Spider, Phomopsis Fruit Rot.
Mimosa Vine (Mimosa strigillosa) as a Lawn Alternative, Crêpe Myrtles, Sweetbay Magnolia (Magnolia virgininana, American Cockroach, Plant Nutrition N-P-K.
Articles on Mamou/Coral Bean, The Danger of Dead Branches, Florida Betony (Stachys floridana), Large Patch Turf Disease, Easter Buck Moth.
Drummond’s Swamp Maple, Bandana Lantana, Pruning Crapemyrtles, Ambrosia Beetles, Downy Mildew of Brassica.
Includes articles on Loropetalum, Common Firebush, Pellitory, and Hoof Fungus.
Includes Lowering soil pH, cabbage aphids, doveweed, plants with potential, container growing media.
Articles on Lycoris plant, fall armyworms, container soil properties, supertunia vista, fall lawn weeds.
Horticultural Newsletter for the residents of St. Tammany Parish.
Horticultural Newsletter for residents of St. Tammany Parish.
July 2014 issue of the STMGA's monthly newsletter.
June 2014 issue of the STMGA's Gardengoer Newsletter
The monthly newsletter of the St. Tammany Master Gardeners Association. Contents include association events, gardening topics and photos of member activities.
The monthly newsletter of the St. Tammany Master Gardeners Association. Contents include association events, gardening topics and photos of member activities.