For the 13th time, St. Tammany residents and novice gardeners have fulfilled the requirements to become Master Gardeners by participating in garden tours, show and tell, lectures, and a final exam.
The 12 weeks of training have covered topics such as weed control and disease and insect identification as well as presentations on botany, vegetables and ornamentals. All 30 trainees have committed to volunteering 40 hours of providing horticulture education to parish groups such as schools, garden clubs and libraries.
Bottom row: Scotty May, Washington Parish County Agent, Jimmy DeJean, Pierre Bouchee, Gerald Swint, Joe James, Kelli Mueller, Drake Morvant. Middle row: Gerald Wood, Joe Lapine, Melanie Singh, Andrea Landry, Robin Phillips, Jan Pesses, Betty Plummer, Dorothy Delaune, Cheryl Clarkson, Margaret Zelenka, Judy McCloskey, Linda Zitzmann, Theresa Wilfert, Janet Ronquillo, William Afton, St. Tammany Parish County Agent. Back row: Rene Schmidt, LA State MG Coordinator, Harold Ryan, Johnny Despeaux, John Teague, Sue Keenum, Betty Cronin, Linda Wierenga, Laura Steffee, Chris Nave, Denise Schoen, Leslie Jones, Mary Beth Kaizer, not pictured Leonard Wilfert.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture