Long lasting bouquets, Growing strawberries, bordered plant bug, Mowing, Southern bacterial wilt, Chinese Fringe tree.
Croton Codiaeum variegatum, Southern salt marsh aster, cypress twig gall midge, Container Gardening: Water Movement and Irrigation, November Rain Collecion.
The forest products industry contributes to each parish economy in several ways, including jobs, wages and purchases in the local economies.
Common Purslane Portulaca oleracea, Black soldier fly Hermetia illucens, Termites in trees, Ants quest for water, Hire an arborist, marquerite daisy.
Cinnamon Girl’ Distylium, Annual Grasses, barnacle scale, Sphaeropsis knot of hollies, irrigation spray heads.
Barbados cherry, wood decay fungi, how much to plant, mulberry weed, engaging your ears in the landscape, vegetable recommendations.
Articles on Queen palm dates, frogfruit (Phyla nodiflora), Cercospora leaf spot, the 4 R's of Nutrient Managment, Walkingsticks.
Includes articles on Curcuma plant, inorganic growing media, Io moth caterpillars Leslie Ann camellias, Sida rhombifolia, plus the vegetable planting guide.
Horticultural Newsletter for the residents of St. Tammany Parish.
Horticultural Newsletter for residents of St. Tammany Parish.
Description and management of Virginia buttonweed in home lawns.
Listing of farmer's markets in St. Tammany Parish with their dates and locations.
A list of farmers markets, roadside markets and fruit producers located in St. Tammany Parish.
Knowing where you are, is as important as, knowing where you want to go when it comes to our soils. Simple steps to soil testing help you know what your plant needs nutritionally to thrive.
The best time to plant citrus in St. Tammany Parish is January or February
Mulch is an important ingredient in any landscape maintenance. For December and the remaining winter season and beyond, your trees and shrubs may be asking “More mulch, please!”
How to prune plants according to keep them healthy and to manage plant size.
This is a pretty simple procedure that can be done easily in our down time and retreat from the summer heat.
Tips on the best ways to water your landscape.
As you begin to ponder where to put your new plants be cautious of creating termite habitat around your home.
Learn more about steps you can take in weed control including weed identification, ornamental plant identification and cultural control including prevention, manual control, mulching and herbicides.
Some insects are questionable as to there “good purposes on Earth", but.....
Ground covers are generally any low growing plants (other than grass) that cover a large area.
Many people are quite capable of taking care of their garbage. Just put in the plastic bag, take it to the road and it’s gone.
General tips on what to do with plants following a freeze.
This article explains why organic matter may be the most important part of your garden soil and reviews soil composition in St. Tammany Parish.
The winter is a good time to take care of gardening tools. Keeping your gardening tools sharp, clean, and well maintained will add to your outdoor pleasure in the coming months.
A soil pH is the measure of the acidity and alkaline of the soil. Soils in our area range from pH 4.0 – 5.5. Blueberries require a soil pH of 4.0 to 5.3. Without adding anything to our soil, blueberries are a great choice as a fruit.
Fall is the time to plant cole crop vegetables.
All too often I get a simple question to a complex answer. I wish it were the other way but more often it doesn’t happen that way. Like the title, “What is the green stuff in my tree?”I usually have to ask several questions to decide what the real problem is.
Suggestions for ways to eliminate winter weeds.
Keep in mind, our winters are mild and short. Mowing and watering properly are steps to a healthy fall lawn. Back away from the fall fertilizer and you won’t get robbed of your beautiful lawn.
There’s no simple answer to “can my tree be saved?” Many other questions need to be considered before rushing to cut it down.
The Azalea Caterpillar (Datana Major) is very active in August and September. The adult moths (not butterflies) lay their eggs in late spring. As the eggs mature the young caterpillars skeletonize the azaleas, particularly the Southern Indica Hybrids.
Moths lay their eggs August through October. The moths are typically one half inch to three quarters of an inch long as adults and have snout like projections on their heads.
Hot summer nights and high humidity encourage the growth of lawn diseases. Learn to identify them and how to minimize them here.
Procedures on taking a soil sample to submit to the LSU AgCenter's Soil Lab.
Identifying weeds in August will also help in preparing for the battle on the war on weeds.
Barklice are small, most often wingless, soft bodied insects that are in the Psocoptera insect order.
There are home grown tomatoes, hydroponic tomatoes, green house tomatoes, container grown tomatoes, and even to-matoes grown upside down. After deciding on the right place (full sun), right time (after danger of frost) and right varieties (so many to choose) you’ll still need to consider many of these tips when growing the prized vegetables.
Drink lots of water. Gardeners working in their lawns and landscape may lose up to 2 quarts of water per hour.
The armadillo is an unusual animal that has protective armor made of a hard shell like material on its head, body and tail.
Vines, by design, grow quickly. They are all manageable if plans are made to maintain them.
Explanation of what lichens are and how to remove them from plants and trees.
To begin the spring season of 2011, consider going to one of the Spring Garden Shows being offered in Louisiana and Mississippi; some not far from us here in St. Tammany Parish.
garden gift list, browse through the internet at Buzzle.com, ehow.com, helpfulgardener.com, waytoocool.com, just to name a few. There are countless garden areas to search.
Most people’s favorite autumn colors include some reds, yellows, and oranges in line with the colors of tree landscapes. Obvious fall colors for LSU fans would be purple and gold or for Saints fans, black and gold.