Parish Jr. Livestock Advisory Council

The responsibilities of the Jr. Livestock Advisory Leadership Council are to represent their peers, identify needs and issues, identify opportunities for collaboration, be active in sharing their skills and knowledge to help the parish and understand Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service as a community resource. 

Next Meeting Date: 
October 10, 2006
7:00 p.m.

Jr. Livestock Advisory Leadership Council Members



Program Area

Roy Hunt     Youth Fund Chairman 4-H
Lawrence Jourdan Youth Fund Vice-Chairman 4-H
Tammy McIntyre Youth Fund Secretary/Treasurer 4-H
Dennis Glass     Beef Leader/Chairman 4-H
A.J. Willie Swine Leader/Chairman 4-H
Kari King 4-H Parent 4-H
Kenny Martin 4-H Parent 4-H
Jimmy & Shelia Dawsey 4-H Parent 4-H
Barbara Morere Swine Producer 4-H
Cline Mathies Parish Barn Supervisor 4-H
Bruce Crouch Director of Dept. Of Facilities Management 4-H
Tommy Peters 5th Ward Jr. High Ag Teacher & Leader 4-H
Payton Monteleone Covington High Ag Teacher 4-H
Ray Core Folsom Jr. High Ag Teacher 4-H
Susie Thomas Lee Road Jr. High Ag Teacher 4-H
Robin Provost 4-H Parent 4-H
Kevin & Tracey Martin 4-H Parents 4-H
Clayton & Betty Fauntleroy 4-H Parents 4-H
Annette Taylor 4-H Parent 4-H
Mike Dirman School Board Member 4-H
Peter Cannizzaro Swine Superintendant 4-H
Alan McCain Lee Road Jr. High Leader 4-H
Jeff Magee Beef Leader 4-H

7/17/2006 6:10:12 PM
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