Parish Joint Advisory Council

Jr. Batty, Anders, Jr., Johnny B., Cannizzaro, Peter, Webb, Iris, Long-Pierre, Amy, King, Robert E.

The responsibilities of the Joint Advisory Leadership Council are to represent their peers, identify needs and issues, identify opportunities for collaboration, be active in sharing their skills and knowledge to help the parish and understand Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service as a community resource.

Meeting Date:

Joint Advisory Leadership Council Members



Program Area

Julie Duess St. Tammany Master Gardener Association President Agriculture
Matt Edmundson St. Tammany Parish Forestry Association President Agriculture
Jim Core Commercial Producer Agriculture
Jan Biggs Covington Farmers Market Agriculture
Shelia Dawsey S.T.P. 4-H Foundation Treasurer 4-H
Lisa Demick Abita Springs Middle School Leader 4-H
Alex Varisco 4-H Member 4-H
Alan McCain Lee Road Jr. High School Leader 4-H (Jr. Livestock)
Tammy McIntyre Youth Fund Secretary/Treasurer 4-H (Jr. Livestock)
Kelly Varisco 4-H Leader (Highland's 4-H Horse Club) Equine
Kelsey Hargrove 4-H Member Equine

MAL - Member at Large
FCS - Family & Consumer Science

Minutes from Meetings

Minutes from the committee meetings will be posted online and may be retrieved from the links provided below.

5/23/2006 11:14:47 PM
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