Parish Horticultural Advisory Council

The responsibilities of the Horticultural Advisory Leadership Council are to represent their peers, identify needs and issues, identify opportunities for collaboration, be active in sharing their skills and knowledge to help the parish and to understand Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service as a community resource.

Next Meeting Date: TBA
Horticultural Advisory Leadership Council Members



Program Area

Julie Deus St. Tammany Master Gardener Association ANR
Judy Wood St. Tammany Master Gardener Association ANR
Chere Currault St. Tammany Master Gardener Association ANR
Jay Rose St. Tammany Master Gardener Association ANR
Deborah Litzenberger St. Tammany Master Gardener Association ANR

Master Gardener/Horticulture Advisory Committee, January 27, 2011

Attending: Jay Rose, Judy Wood, Pam Keating, Julie Deus, Art Scott, Christy Paulsell, Susie Andes, Keith Knight, Leslie Landeche, Ann Gilbert, Chere Currault, Ty Guidroz, Rusty Batty.

The meeting was called to order by President Julie Deus at 5 p.m. at Heart Hospital in Lacombe, La.

Rusty gave an overview of the LCES advisory committee.

Topics discussed regarding Master Gardener and Horticulture programming for St. Tammany Parish residents included:

  • Offering spring and fall vegetable seminars to encourage residents to grow their own vegetables correctly.
  • Expanding the Herb Festival and demonstration garden at Slidell Library to accommodate more people.
  • Continue providing the quality horticulture educational presentation at the Northshore Garden show. Show will still be the third weekend of March. Promotion and plans are ongoing.
  • Start a mentoring program for new Master Gardeners. Provide a veteran MG to help new MG in area regions of the parish.
  • Increase presentations on a wider variety of horticulture topics through the library system. Many are already being provided.
  • Improve audio and video equipment for AgCenter use. Also provide monetary support for research and extension programs.
  • Old programs requiring renewing and expanding: Otis House educational “Walk in the Woods” and gardens, Lacombe Butterfly Gardens, consolidation of plant show dates considered.
  • New programs to consider for 2011: Specialty/Advanced Master Gardener classes, Food Bank Community gardens, Partnering w/ STPSB for school gardens.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Chere Currault.

7/17/2006 6:10:15 PM
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