Shooting Sports, 4-H's fastest growing program area, mission of the Louisiana 4-H Shooting Sports Program is to assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills, and forming attitudes so that they may become self-directing, productive, and contributing members of society.
Become a Shooting Sports Volunteer/Instructor
Volunteers play a critical part of the entire 4-H Program and Shooting Sports is no different. Volunteer become positive role models for youth while teaching about environmental ethics, outdoor recreation, wildlife and personal safety. In order to become a certified Shooting Sports Instructor you must complete required training in the respective discipline. Contact Amy Long-Pierre or Olivia Picard for more information about becoming a volunteer.
4-H Membership – Join 4-H by completing the Shooting Sports Registration form. A $15.00 enrollment fee is required. Students can enroll at school, or they can enroll as a Shooting Sports Project Club Member. The website for the 4-H Online system is
Shooting Sports Registration – Complete the Online 4-H Shooting Sports Registration Form located at (THIS SITE WILL OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 1st and CLOSE ON SEPTEMBER 30th).
Shooting Sports Fees - $35.00 (One Discipline) or $50.00 (Two Disciplines). Payment Site - or drop payment off at the 4-H Office, checks payable to STP 4-H, 1301 N. Florida Street, Covington, LA, 70433. Office hours M-F 7:30 am - 12:00 pm, 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
All Steps MUST BE COMPLETED to be a member.
Upcoming Events/Matches
Shooting Sports Camp: December 6-8, 2024
March 14-23, 2025: Southern Regional Match - WBR and Ascension Parishes
April 4-13, 2025: State Match - WBR and Ascension Parishes
June 21-28,2025: National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships - Grand Island, Nebraska
In order to compete at Shooting Sports Matches 4-H members must complete at least 8 hours of training/practice in their respective discipline. If a child is participating in more than one discipline, understand the 4-H'er must complete 8 hours of practice for each discipline.
St. Tammany Shooting Sports
The St. Tammany 4-H Program is excited to offer Shooting Sports to the youth of the parish. In order to participate in 4-H Shooting Sports, the child must be 4-H Member and must be 9 years of age before Jan. 1, 2025, and not have passed their 19th birthday on Jan. 1.
For the 2024-2025 year, St. Tammany 4-H will be offering Archery, Air Rifle, Smallbore Rifle, & Shotgun.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture