10/2/2024 Livestock Interest Meeting

Livestock Interest Meeting

When: Wednesday, October 2

Time: 6:00 pm

Where: 4-H Office1301 N. Florida St. Covington, LA 70433

This meeting is for NEW and RETURNING youth and families interested in exhibiting livestock. We will cover all the basics, from timelines to what animals you can show and how to enter and show them. Questions: contact Ms. Olivia at opicard@agcenter.lsu.edu.

Can't attend in person? Join online via Teams!

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or you can call in:

Dial in by phone

+1 225-614-2374,,762926025# United States, Baton Rouge

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Phone conference ID: 762 926 025#

2025 Show Dates

St. Tammany 4-H/FFA Livestock Show: January 16-17, 2025

STPJLA Sale: January 18, 2025

Southeast District Livestock Show: January 30 - February 1, 2025

LSU AgCenter State Livestock Show: February 11 - 18, 2025

LSU AgCenter State Rabbit Show: March 2025 (TBA)

2025 Validation & Possession Dates

  • August 16, 2024: Steers
  • November 11, 2024: Breeding Beef, Commercial Beef, Breeding Dairy Cattle, Commercial Dairy Cattle, Market Lambs, Breeding Sheep, Commercial Ewes, Market Goats, Breeding Goats, and Commercial Does.
  • November 18, 2024: Miniature Cattle
  • December 2, 2024: Market Swine, Breeding & Commercial Gilts, Exhibition Poultry, Parish Rabbits.
  • December 11, 2024: Entry Forms and Fees due.

For more information or to be added to the livestock email lists, contact opicard@agcenter.lsu.edu.

4-H Online Livestock Enrollment

Youth who show livestock in 4-H and FFA will need to “enroll” their animals in the new 4-H Online system. The 4-H Online system “talks” to the new Fair Entry system and youth will be able to upload the animals they enter in 4-H Online to the Fair Entry system. All 4-H & FFA youth showing livestock MUST have their animals “enrolled” in the 4-H Online system by the possession date.

Enrollment on 4-H Online is open on September 1, all youth who are showing livestock need to create an account or re-enroll for this year. FFA members will not be required to pay dues via 4-H Online. https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in

How to sign up for the St. Tammany Parish, Southeast District, and State Livestock Shows:

How-to sign-up livestock for the St. Tammany Parish, Southeast District and State Livestock shows:

Step 1: 4-H and FFA Youth MUST Enroll in the 4-H Online System, https://v2.4honline.com

Step 2: Youth MUST also “enroll” their animals (breeding, commercial, market, exhibition) by the possession date https://v2.4honline.com

  1. Breeding Animals must upload a copy of registration paper, if you do not have an official copy of the registration paper in the exhibitor’s name you must upload the REGISTRATION Pending Form. Official Registration paper MUST be uploaded to 4-H Online 30 days after possession date (if possession date is Nov 11, papers must be uploaded by Dec 11. I will not be able to approve entries if they do not have an official registration paper and if I can’t approve the entry, you will not be able to enter in the “Fair Entry” site. There is a work around for Mini Cattle and Swine that is already coded in the system).
    1. There will be a $250 fee to submit official registration papers after published deadline. The current deadline says registration papers meeting show rules must be turned into parish offices no later than 30-days after possession deadline. (This late fee will be paid to District Show Managers for any papers submitted after published deadline; with that absolute last opportunity to submit late registration papers being the 1st Friday in January.)
  2. Dairy Cattle if you need the Show Lease Affidavit it is below.
  3. Poultry - See the "How to enter poultry animals in to 4-H Online pdf below.
  4. Rabbits it asks for a tattoo, if your rabbit does not have a tattoo, you can create your own (I would suggest 2-3 characters) Rabbits that you plan on showing at the St. Tammany Parish and Southeast District Livestock Shows MUST be in the 4-H Online system by December 2nd.
  5. If you are validating market or commercial animals in the Family Name, you will need to “enroll” that animal on one of the exhibitors 4-H Online profile, you can then change it on “Fair Entry”.

Step 4: ALL EXHIBITORS must complete the YEARLY Livestock Ethics requirements. The course can be found at www.yqcaprogram.org The is a $12 fee/exhibitor. See below for a How to Guide. (You will need your YQCA Certificate number for entry on “Fair Entry”). If experience an issue consult the YQCA How to document below, if the problem can not be solved that way contact the help desk on the website.

Step 5a: Poultry and Rabbits will turn in a paper entry form and their District dues ($3/bird, $3/rabbit) to the 4-H office by December 11th 4:00 pm

  1. A link to enter in the State Poultry Show and the State Rabbit Show will be sent out at a later date.

Step 5b: Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goat, and Dairy will enter the Parish Show and District/State Shows via Fair Entry links.

  1. The link to enter the St. Tammany Parish 4-H/FFA Livestock Show: TBA
  2. The link to enter the Southeast District Livestock Show: TBA

Online Entry

We are continuing with our online entry process 2025 Parish, District and State Livestock/Poultry/Rabbit/Horse Shows. This process will include validation and/or possession online documentation.

We will continue to use our current validation method of requiring a DNA/Hair sample on all market and commercial animals. These sample will continue to be submitted to your parish LSU AgCenter Office by each specie/animal deadline. In addition to this process exhibitors will go online to document their validation as well as possession of registered breeding animals on or before possession dates. The system allows for Registration papers to be uploaded when animals are documented on or before possession deadline for each specie.

4-H Online Enrollment Training/Help: Email Ms. Olivia (opicard@agcenter.lsu.edu)


The online system will:

  1. make the validation/possession/entry process easier on exhibitor families,
  2. allow direct communication with families/exhibitors during the process; we do understand that as much as we prepare for the transition/implementation there will be issues that arise that we will have to work through. Our LSU AgCenter show staffs are fully committed to doing that.

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The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
