Volunteers are the heart of the St. Tammany Parish 4-H program. There are many roles and positions, they provide important functions to help make 4-H programming successful. All volunteers must be registered and trained by the parish office. Individuals can volunteer to serve project leaders, provide transportation to 4-H events, assist with the parish or school 4-H programs, and more. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please call the 4-H office. As a volunteer, you are supported by the insurance carried by LSU AgCenter for AgCenter events. You can enroll as a volunteer through the 4-H online system Here. Enrolled volunteers will be required to complete all volunteer requirements for their specific role prior to being approved in the volunteer system. Some volunteer levels require background screens, risk management training, driver authorization, and/or orientations and must all be completed and approved prior to serving in that particular volunteer role.
Here are a few examples of Volunteer Roles:
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture