16 oz Sugared Pecans $13
16 oz Roasted Pecans $13
16 oz Hot/Spicy Pecans $13
16 oz Milk Chocolate Pecans $13
16 oz Dark Chocolate Pecans $14
16 oz Milk Chocolate Almond $13
16 oz Praline Crunch $11
16 oz Shelled Pecan Pieces $13
3lb boxes of Shelled Pecan Halves $30
Acceptable Payment Methods
Cash, Check, Money Order, or Debit/Credit Cards*
*all debit/credit card purchase will result in service fees
Checks payable to: St. Tammany Parish 4-H
Mail to: St. Tammany Parish 4-H, P.O. Box 5438, Covington, LA 70434
Drop off: 1301 N. Florida Street, Covington, LA 70433
Order online at: https://st-tammany-4-h-foundation.square.site/
Questions? 985-875-2635 or opicard@agcenter.lsu.edu
Do Not Drop Off Payments or Order Forms at School!
Orders will be ready for pick up on Friday November, 17th, at the office.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture