From "A to Z" - 130+ 4H Ideas

Amy Long-Pierre, Hill, Shaney L., King, Robert E., Walker, Robin

Community Service graphic

A compilation of 4-H programs and ideas from past and present 4-H leaders, 4-H junior leaders, and 4-H agents in Terrebonne Parish.

  1. ACTION AMBASSADORS - select club members to serve as hosts and hostesses for local parent-teacher organization, serve as tour guides for open house, or assist teachers with various school functions.
  2. ADOPT A _____ - club adopts a local group and conducts activities monthly; suggested groups are nursing homes, pediatric unit of a local hospital, child care centers, homeless shelters, etc.
  3. ARBOR DAY - conduct a tree planting ceremony at your local school on the third Friday in January.
  4. "AUTO" BUCKLE UP - educational program on the importance of wearing safety belts while traveling; contact your local law enforcement agency for videos and additional information.
  5. AWESOME 4-H'ER OF THE MONTH - recognize a hard working 4-H member every month; award a certificate and coupon for free snack at school or free meal at local food establishment.
  6. BABYSITTING WORKSHOP - conduct a workshop on babysitter responsibilities, safety guidelines, play with children, guidelines for emergencies, behavior guidelines, and meal and snack preparation; involve a 4-H junior leader in teaching activities; the 4-H child development and family life project book are excellent resources.
  7. BICYCLE SAFETY CLINIC - program on safe riding and maintenance of bicycle.
  8. BLOOD DRIVE - sponsor a blood drive at your local school; members obtain names of possible donors; blood donor agencies may offer free blood plans for additional family members if some quotas are met; T-shirts may be offered to 4-H members.
  9. BUDDY BEARS - club members dress and donate "teddy bears" to be distributed to children recovering from surgery or who are critically ill; bears may also be donated to ambulance units or law enforcement officers to distribute to children they are helping in a time of crisis.
  10. BULLETIN BOARD - secure a hallway or cafeteria bulletin board to publicize your 4-H club activities.
  11. CAMP SURVIVAL CLINIC - campers and their parents learn the do's and don'ts for 4-H camp and what and how to pack for camp.
  12. CAREER ACTION PLAN - senior 4-H members identify and explore various career opportunities; invite guidance counselors and/or other professionals as guest speakers.
  13. CAST FOR TRASH - work cooperatively with local marinas to distribute trash bags to recreational boaters and fishermen to use in disposing trash; this activity can be conducted in conjunction with statewide beach sweep activities; trash returned can be weighed and recorded; contact local waste management for additional trash bins.
  14. CLOSET CLEAN OUT - clothing drive for local Salvation Army or Red Cross.
  15. COATS FOR KIDS - collect coats, jackets, and sweaters for needy children; contact local dry cleaning business for donation of cleaning services for items collected; coats may be distributed through school or other community agency.
  16. DECK THE HALLS - door decorating contest among school classrooms for every occasion (back to school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, Easter, and end of school; best door classes are awarded popcorn, soft drink, or cool-pop party.
  17. DEMO DO'S & DON'TS - workshop on how to give a good demonstration.
  18. DOLL DONATION - club dress and donate toy dolls to charitable organization providing toys to needy children.
  19. DRESS-UP DAYS - sponsor various theme dress-up days throughout the school year (all students); examples: 50's day, freaky Friday, jogging suit day, camouflage day, green and white day, inside-out day, hat day, etc.
  20. DROPOUT PREVENTION PROGRAM - seminar for senior 4-H members; contact local school board for statistical information and speakers.
  21. EARTH DAY - conduct environmental awareness programs during the month of April; PSA's by club members.
  22. ENERGY DAY - work cooperatively with your local electric utility company; educational programs on energy conservation, safety and electricity, how electricity is generated and distributed, services provided by electric company, and career opportunities.
  23. ENERGY PATROL - club members monitor school facilities on wasteful use of electricity and poor energy conservation practices, members work with school personnel to correct problems and other areas of concern.
  24. EVERYDAY ETIQUETTE - workshop on good manners, telephone etiquette, table etiquette; involve junior leader working in personal development project.
  25. EYEGLASSES DONATION - collect old eyeglasses and donate to local Lions Club or Foundation.
  26. FALL FANTASIA - sponsor a fall festival of fun activities to celebrate the season.
  27. FARM DAY - students dress in farm clothes; livestock project members exhibit their animals and conduct an educational program about each animal.
  28. FILE A COMPLAINT - this activity can be used as a fund raiser in which members and other students pay a small fee (5-10 cents) to complain about a teacher or something in the school.
  29. FIRST AID CLINIC - contact your local American Red Cross for an instructor to conduct basic first aid classes for members and/or students.
  30. FUN DAY - club sponsors a day of relay races and other fun games for 4-H members and their parents; families bring picnic lunches.
  31. GARDENS GALORE - secure a spot in the school yard where members can plant and maintain a vegetable garden; harvested vegetables can be sold to teachers and other school faculty or conduct a bi-weekly farmers market before school to allow parents to purchase vegetables.
  32. GENERAL STORE - stock your 4-H general store with 4-H supplies (National 4-H Supply Catalog), buttons, pencils, note cards, record book covers, etc.; sales people record and maintain inventory, manage money, stock shelves, conduct special sales.
  33. GLOBAL PATROL - members identify ways to help the environment at their homes and/or school; members select a global project to conduct monthly.
  34. GO FOR THE GOAL - goal setting activity for junior and senior high members focusing on short, mid, and long term goals in 4-H projects, education, and careers.
  35. GROCERY DRIVE - this is not just an ordinary food drive, however, non-perishable food items are accepted; encourage members to donate ordinary household supplies such as detergents, cleaning products, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, and any other products that are non-perishable; these are items which needy families can not purchase with food stamps but still need desperately.
  36. HEALTH FAIR - secure doctors, dentists, fitness instructor, dietician, and other health professionals to set up booths or exhibits related to good health; activities could also include blood pressure checks, eye examinations, fitness classes.
  37. HEARTFEST - the American Heart Association and the LCES sponsor HEARTFEST in late September or early October; members can display nutrition posters in the school cafeteria and can distribute nutrition information to teachers; sponsor a HEARTFEST school lunch.
  38. HOLIDAY T-SHIRT WORKSHOPS - materials needed for this workshop include T-shirts, paints, fabrics, decorative trims, fusible webbing, irons, ironing boards, and T-shirt decorating boards; charge a fee or secure donations for this workshop; allow 2 hours per 20 4-H members; secure leader guidance.
  39. HOMEROOM REPRESENTATIVES - select an active 4-H member to remind 4-H members in their homeroom about upcoming activities, distribute newsletter, and meet with 4-H leader for periodic short meetings.
  40. HOW TO - secure a 4-H member to give a project talk or short demonstration during a club meeting.
  41. INCREDIBLE 4-H SPIRIT AWARD - award a 4-H spirit stick for the classroom or grade level displaying the most 4-H spirit during the club meeting and/or during the month.
  42. INFANT NEEDS DRIVE - collect infant supplies (diapers, baby food and formula, grooming supplies, etc.) and donate to local children's home, abuse shelter, or agency providing assistance to families with young children.
  43. INSTALLATION CEREMONY - recognize 4-H officers by conducting an installation ceremony; the 4-H leaders' guide contains a ceremony.
  44. INTRODUCE BOOKS TO OTHERS - conduct a children's book drive and donate books to local health units, child care centers, doctor's offices, etc.; great literacy program.
  45. IT'S JUST NOT SAFE - anti-smoking and anti-drug program.
  46. JACK-O-LANTERN PAINTING CONTEST - members paint pumpkins, judges determine awards, and painted jack-o-lanterns are sold.
  47. JUMP FOR - jump rope for 4-H or your favorite charitable
  48. organization; members secure donations for time spent jumping or number of times jumped.
  49. JUNIOR HIGH JUMP - one-day workshop for 12-13 year old 4-H members; fun and educational activities are designed for their age.
  50. JUNK TO TREASURE - workshop on using recyclable items for home decoration, jewelry, gift ideas, refinishing furniture.
  51. JUST KIDS AT ART - 4-H members sponsor face or hand painting booth during local school festival or parish fair.
  52. KALEIDOSCOPE - promotion of student achievements in academics, club work, band, athletics, and other student activities; this activity is conducted parishwide.
  53. KICK 0FF FOR 4-H - enrollment drive conducted to the theme of football; cheerleaders, tickets (enrollment cards), pep rallies, poster parties and displays are a must!!!
  54. KINDERGARTEN HELPERS - 4-H members read books or conduct simple games for preschoolers in the school.
  55. KING CAKE SALE - sell tickets for a slice of King Cake during the Mardi Gras season; order enough King Cakes or one large one and whoever finds the baby receives an extra special Mardi Gras surprise.
  56. KITCHEN HAZARD HUNT - conduct a program on kitchen safety; members identify unsafe conditions in their own home kitchens.
  57. LABEL COLLECTION - contact local grocery stores for information on types of food labels which can be collected for cash or school equipment.
  58. LIBRARY EXHIBITS - promote 4-H through local library exhibits.
  59. LIVESTOCK PROJECT DAY - livestock project members conduct demonstrations or exhibits about their livestock projects.
  60. LOOK YOUR BEST - workshop on dressing for and participating in a job interview.
  61. LOVE AND LOLLIPOPS - buy a lollipop Valentine to send to your best friend or secret pal; Valentines are delivered to students on Valentine's Day by 4-H members.
  62. M IS FOR ME - self-esteem program; members identify positive qualities in themselves.
  63. MARDI GRAS SPIRIT PARADE - 4-H members conduct an in-school Mardi Gras parade with beads and wagon floats for preschool students.
  64. MEET THE BANK - program on money management - allowances, budgeting, saving, and opening a savings account.
  65. MONSTER BASH - Halloween party with costumes, haunted house, and games.
  66. MR. AND MS. 4-H - clover crowning or pinning of outstanding male and female 4-H'er.
  67. NATURE WALK - members take nature walk in the school yard and identify plants, birds, animal habitats, etc.
  68. NIFTY FIFTIES DANCE - oldies but goodies is the type of music for this dance; costumes are a must; the admission fee can be one non-perishable food item.
  69. 1993-94 SURVIVAL GUIDE - guide of annual 4-H activities and leader or officer resources.
  70. NOW YOU SEE IT! NOW YOU DON'T - environmental program on Louisiana's disappearing coastline.
  71. NUTRITION PYRAMID FOR HEALTHY 4-H'ERS - program on the new Food Guide Pyramid.
  72. O-REALLY!!! - exercise and fitness program; exercises are conducted in which the body or two people form O's.
  73. 0-SCENT-SATIONS - identify 4-H projects by smelling activities; place project related item in a paper bag or cover up; members identify projects by smelling, use your imagination.
  74. OFFICER TRAINING - workshop on officer responsibilities, parliamentary procedure, responsibilities of being a committee chairman.
  75. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS - exhibit on 4-H opportunities.
  76. ORGANIZE YOUR TIME - senior 4-H program on the efficient use of time management tools.
  77. PARENTS TO KIDS - involving 4-H parents as project leaders and volunteers.
  78. PARTNERS IN 4-H - recruit support from local banks and businesses for 4-H programs and awards.
  79. PENNY DRIVE - collect pennies only for 4-H or for your favorite charity.
  80. PICTURE PERFECT - photography workshop on how to take good pictures, care of camera equipment, and how to organize photos and negatives; great project for senior photography project member.
  81. PROJECT DAY - junior and senior 4-H members conduct project workshops for elementary 4-H club members.
  82. QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! WILDLIFE SEARCH - members identify and learn about wildlife species in Louisiana.
  83. QUAKES, QUIVERS, AND THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT - emergency preparedness for natural disasters.
  84. QUARTERBACK CLUB - 4-H and athletics - being active in both.
  85. QUIET AND LOUD - identify agriculture and fisheries commodities in Louisiana by sounds.
  86. QUILT - fundraiser to sell chances on a quilt done in the "4-H quilt" pattern.
  87. R & R - leader recognition and relaxation.
  88. RECYCLE ART CONTEST - only recyclable items can be used in this creative activity; you'll be surprised at the genuine works of art.
  89. RECYCLE RTW - program on how to embellish ready-to-wear clothes for a different look.
  90. RECYCLING PROJECT - start a recycle center at your local school or in your neighborhood.
  91. RESUMES AND MORE - senior 4-H program on resume' writing, identifying job skills, and completing a job application.
  92. SCHOOL SAFETY GUARDS - members monitor students as they get on and off school buses.
  93. SECRET PALS - members adopt a secret pal (4-H member or teacher) and surprise their pal with special messages, birthday cards, or small gifts.
  94. SENIOR CITIZENS' LUNCHEON - members prepare a nutritious meal and invite local needy senior citizens; contact your local Council on Aging.
  95. SPRING PLANTING - beautification project for school or community.
  96. SUMMER SAFETY PROGRAM - educational program on summer safety tips.
  97. TAKE A CHANCE ON - sell chances on any donated items for an easy fundraiser.
  98. TIP-TOP - parish award for outstanding 4-H members.
  99. TOY DRIVE - collect old toys and allow 4-H members to clean and recondition them; donate to local charitable organizations for distribution to needy families.
  100. TRASH BASH - conduct a monthly trash bash/clean-up on school grounds.
  101. T-RIFFIC TREE ID - activity to identify and learn about native Louisiana trees.
  102. U-B-1-2 - membership drive for 4-H.
  103. U-GOT THE LOOK - good grooming workshop.
  104. UNDERSTANDING GOVERNMENT - invite local government officials for a panel discussion and to explore how your local government works.
  105. UP, UNDER, AND UPSIDE DOWN - icebreaker activity in which 4-H members hunt for the unusual at a club meeting.
  106. URBAN 4-H PROJECTS - exploring 4-H projects for " city kids. "
  107. VEGETABLE VIBES - selection, nutrition, and storing of fresh vegetables.
  108. VETERAN'S DAY - members conduct a special ceremony to honor veterans; members invite veterans they know to be honored at the ceremony.
  109. VETS AND PETS - clinic on how to take care of your pet (grooming, feeding, exercising, etc.); invite local veterinarians to conduct clinics on different types of pets.
  110. VIDEO LIBRARY - establish a video library on 4-H projects and activities.
  111. VOICE YOUR OPINION - writing letters to government officials.
  112. WARDROBE WONDERS - wardrobe planning and inventory; coordinating accessories.
  113. WINTER FESTIVAL - sponsor a winter festival of fun indoor activities.
  114. WISE TO ENERGIZE - energy conservation tips and practices.
  115. WOMEN'S SHELTER - donate grooming articles to local shelter for abused women.
  116. WREATH CONTEST - sponsor a wreath decorating contest among 4-H members; members use horticultural materials and/or recyclable items to decorate wreaths; wreaths are donated to local senior citizen centers or nursing homes.
  117. X-AMPLE DAY - members bring an example of a completed 4-H project or activity to a 4-H meeting.
  118. X-CELLENT CLUB MEETING AWARD - recognize club officers or entire club for outstanding club meeting.
  119. X MARKS THE SPOT - supply clues for a 4-H treasure hunt or scavenger hunt.
  120. X-PLORING - target a specific topic or 4-H project area to investigate and explore throughout the month.
  121. X-TRA! X-TRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! - establish a 4-H news column or newspaper at your local school.
  122. Y IT'S YOU - self esteem program to identify positive skills and qualities.
  123. YARD-SCAPING - beautification projects for the home and school.
  124. YOU BE THE JUDGE - 4-H judging contests for project areas (plant science, horticulture, livestock, poultry, meat identification).
  125. YOUNG EXPLORERS - introduction to 4-H to third grade students.
  126. YOUTH QUAKE - 4-H Rally Day!
  127. ZERO HOUR - final preparations for 4-H Achievement Day.
  128. ZIP-ZAP-ZING! - workshop/clinic on the importance of beginning, following through, and completing a 4-H project.
  129. ZONE 4-H - 4-H corner in classroom or school library.
  130. ZOO MOBILE - petting zoo of farm animals and pets.
  131. ZOOM & ZANY - be creative and let your imagination and club needs be your guide in developing other 4-H program ideas!
11/9/2006 8:11:46 PM
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