A compilation of 4-H programs and ideas from past and present 4-H leaders, 4-H junior leaders, and 4-H agents in Terrebonne Parish.
ACTION AMBASSADORS - select club members to serve as hosts and hostesses for local parent-teacher organization, serve as tour guides for open house, or assist teachers with various school functions.
ADOPT A _____ - club adopts a local group and conducts activities monthly; suggested groups are nursing homes, pediatric unit of a local hospital, child care centers, homeless shelters, etc.
ARBOR DAY - conduct a tree planting ceremony at your local school on the third Friday in January.
"AUTO" BUCKLE UP - educational program on the importance of wearing safety belts while traveling; contact your local law enforcement agency for videos and additional information.
AWESOME 4-H'ER OF THE MONTH - recognize a hard working 4-H member every month; award a certificate and coupon for free snack at school or free meal at local food establishment.
BABYSITTING WORKSHOP - conduct a workshop on babysitter responsibilities, safety guidelines, play with children, guidelines for emergencies, behavior guidelines, and meal and snack preparation; involve a 4-H junior leader in teaching activities; the 4-H child development and family life project book are excellent resources.
BICYCLE SAFETY CLINIC - program on safe riding and maintenance of bicycle.
BLOOD DRIVE - sponsor a blood drive at your local school; members obtain names of possible donors; blood donor agencies may offer free blood plans for additional family members if some quotas are met; T-shirts may be offered to 4-H members.
BUDDY BEARS - club members dress and donate "teddy bears" to be distributed to children recovering from surgery or who are critically ill; bears may also be donated to ambulance units or law enforcement officers to distribute to children they are helping in a time of crisis.
BULLETIN BOARD - secure a hallway or cafeteria bulletin board to publicize your 4-H club activities.
CAMP SURVIVAL CLINIC - campers and their parents learn the do's and don'ts for 4-H camp and what and how to pack for camp.
CAREER ACTION PLAN - senior 4-H members identify and explore various career opportunities; invite guidance counselors and/or other professionals as guest speakers.
CAST FOR TRASH - work cooperatively with local marinas to distribute trash bags to recreational boaters and fishermen to use in disposing trash; this activity can be conducted in conjunction with statewide beach sweep activities; trash returned can be weighed and recorded; contact local waste management for additional trash bins.
CLOSET CLEAN OUT - clothing drive for local Salvation Army or Red Cross.
COATS FOR KIDS - collect coats, jackets, and sweaters for needy children; contact local dry cleaning business for donation of cleaning services for items collected; coats may be distributed through school or other community agency.
DECK THE HALLS - door decorating contest among school classrooms for every occasion (back to school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, Easter, and end of school; best door classes are awarded popcorn, soft drink, or cool-pop party.
DEMO DO'S & DON'TS - workshop on how to give a good demonstration.
DOLL DONATION - club dress and donate toy dolls to charitable organization providing toys to needy children.
DRESS-UP DAYS - sponsor various theme dress-up days throughout the school year (all students); examples: 50's day, freaky Friday, jogging suit day, camouflage day, green and white day, inside-out day, hat day, etc.
DROPOUT PREVENTION PROGRAM - seminar for senior 4-H members; contact local school board for statistical information and speakers.
EARTH DAY - conduct environmental awareness programs during the month of April; PSA's by club members.
ENERGY DAY - work cooperatively with your local electric utility company; educational programs on energy conservation, safety and electricity, how electricity is generated and distributed, services provided by electric company, and career opportunities.
ENERGY PATROL - club members monitor school facilities on wasteful use of electricity and poor energy conservation practices, members work with school personnel to correct problems and other areas of concern.
EVERYDAY ETIQUETTE - workshop on good manners, telephone etiquette, table etiquette; involve junior leader working in personal development project.
EYEGLASSES DONATION - collect old eyeglasses and donate to local Lions Club or Foundation.
FALL FANTASIA - sponsor a fall festival of fun activities to celebrate the season.
FARM DAY - students dress in farm clothes; livestock project members exhibit their animals and conduct an educational program about each animal.
FILE A COMPLAINT - this activity can be used as a fund raiser in which members and other students pay a small fee (5-10 cents) to complain about a teacher or something in the school.
FIRST AID CLINIC - contact your local American Red Cross for an instructor to conduct basic first aid classes for members and/or students.
FUN DAY - club sponsors a day of relay races and other fun games for 4-H members and their parents; families bring picnic lunches.
GARDENS GALORE - secure a spot in the school yard where members can plant and maintain a vegetable garden; harvested vegetables can be sold to teachers and other school faculty or conduct a bi-weekly farmers market before school to allow parents to purchase vegetables.
GENERAL STORE - stock your 4-H general store with 4-H supplies (National 4-H Supply Catalog), buttons, pencils, note cards, record book covers, etc.; sales people record and maintain inventory, manage money, stock shelves, conduct special sales.
GLOBAL PATROL - members identify ways to help the environment at their homes and/or school; members select a global project to conduct monthly.
GO FOR THE GOAL - goal setting activity for junior and senior high members focusing on short, mid, and long term goals in 4-H projects, education, and careers.
GROCERY DRIVE - this is not just an ordinary food drive, however, non-perishable food items are accepted; encourage members to donate ordinary household supplies such as detergents, cleaning products, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, and any other products that are non-perishable; these are items which needy families can not purchase with food stamps but still need desperately.
HEALTH FAIR - secure doctors, dentists, fitness instructor, dietician, and other health professionals to set up booths or exhibits related to good health; activities could also include blood pressure checks, eye examinations, fitness classes.
HEARTFEST - the American Heart Association and the LCES sponsor HEARTFEST in late September or early October; members can display nutrition posters in the school cafeteria and can distribute nutrition information to teachers; sponsor a HEARTFEST school lunch.
HOLIDAY T-SHIRT WORKSHOPS - materials needed for this workshop include T-shirts, paints, fabrics, decorative trims, fusible webbing, irons, ironing boards, and T-shirt decorating boards; charge a fee or secure donations for this workshop; allow 2 hours per 20 4-H members; secure leader guidance.
HOMEROOM REPRESENTATIVES - select an active 4-H member to remind 4-H members in their homeroom about upcoming activities, distribute newsletter, and meet with 4-H leader for periodic short meetings.
HOW TO - secure a 4-H member to give a project talk or short demonstration during a club meeting.
INCREDIBLE 4-H SPIRIT AWARD - award a 4-H spirit stick for the classroom or grade level displaying the most 4-H spirit during the club meeting and/or during the month.
INFANT NEEDS DRIVE - collect infant supplies (diapers, baby food and formula, grooming supplies, etc.) and donate to local children's home, abuse shelter, or agency providing assistance to families with young children.
INSTALLATION CEREMONY - recognize 4-H officers by conducting an installation ceremony; the 4-H leaders' guide contains a ceremony.
INTRODUCE BOOKS TO OTHERS - conduct a children's book drive and donate books to local health units, child care centers, doctor's offices, etc.; great literacy program.
IT'S JUST NOT SAFE - anti-smoking and anti-drug program.
JACK-O-LANTERN PAINTING CONTEST - members paint pumpkins, judges determine awards, and painted jack-o-lanterns are sold.
JUMP FOR - jump rope for 4-H or your favorite charitable
organization; members secure donations for time spent jumping or number of times jumped.
JUNIOR HIGH JUMP - one-day workshop for 12-13 year old 4-H members; fun and educational activities are designed for their age.
JUNK TO TREASURE - workshop on using recyclable items for home decoration, jewelry, gift ideas, refinishing furniture.
JUST KIDS AT ART - 4-H members sponsor face or hand painting booth during local school festival or parish fair.
KALEIDOSCOPE - promotion of student achievements in academics, club work, band, athletics, and other student activities; this activity is conducted parishwide.
KICK 0FF FOR 4-H - enrollment drive conducted to the theme of football; cheerleaders, tickets (enrollment cards), pep rallies, poster parties and displays are a must!!!
KINDERGARTEN HELPERS - 4-H members read books or conduct simple games for preschoolers in the school.
KING CAKE SALE - sell tickets for a slice of King Cake during the Mardi Gras season; order enough King Cakes or one large one and whoever finds the baby receives an extra special Mardi Gras surprise.
KITCHEN HAZARD HUNT - conduct a program on kitchen safety; members identify unsafe conditions in their own home kitchens.
LABEL COLLECTION - contact local grocery stores for information on types of food labels which can be collected for cash or school equipment.
LIBRARY EXHIBITS - promote 4-H through local library exhibits.
LIVESTOCK PROJECT DAY - livestock project members conduct demonstrations or exhibits about their livestock projects.
LOOK YOUR BEST - workshop on dressing for and participating in a job interview.
LOVE AND LOLLIPOPS - buy a lollipop Valentine to send to your best friend or secret pal; Valentines are delivered to students on Valentine's Day by 4-H members.
M IS FOR ME - self-esteem program; members identify positive qualities in themselves.
MARDI GRAS SPIRIT PARADE - 4-H members conduct an in-school Mardi Gras parade with beads and wagon floats for preschool students.
MEET THE BANK - program on money management - allowances, budgeting, saving, and opening a savings account.
MONSTER BASH - Halloween party with costumes, haunted house, and games.
MR. AND MS. 4-H - clover crowning or pinning of outstanding male and female 4-H'er.
NATURE WALK - members take nature walk in the school yard and identify plants, birds, animal habitats, etc.
NIFTY FIFTIES DANCE - oldies but goodies is the type of music for this dance; costumes are a must; the admission fee can be one non-perishable food item.
1993-94 SURVIVAL GUIDE - guide of annual 4-H activities and leader or officer resources.
NOW YOU SEE IT! NOW YOU DON'T - environmental program on Louisiana's disappearing coastline.
NUTRITION PYRAMID FOR HEALTHY 4-H'ERS - program on the new Food Guide Pyramid.
O-REALLY!!! - exercise and fitness program; exercises are conducted in which the body or two people form O's.
0-SCENT-SATIONS - identify 4-H projects by smelling activities; place project related item in a paper bag or cover up; members identify projects by smelling, use your imagination.
OFFICER TRAINING - workshop on officer responsibilities, parliamentary procedure, responsibilities of being a committee chairman.
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS - exhibit on 4-H opportunities.
ORGANIZE YOUR TIME - senior 4-H program on the efficient use of time management tools.
PARENTS TO KIDS - involving 4-H parents as project leaders and volunteers.
PARTNERS IN 4-H - recruit support from local banks and businesses for 4-H programs and awards.
PENNY DRIVE - collect pennies only for 4-H or for your favorite charity.
PICTURE PERFECT - photography workshop on how to take good pictures, care of camera equipment, and how to organize photos and negatives; great project for senior photography project member.
PROJECT DAY - junior and senior 4-H members conduct project workshops for elementary 4-H club members.
QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! WILDLIFE SEARCH - members identify and learn about wildlife species in Louisiana.
QUAKES, QUIVERS, AND THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT - emergency preparedness for natural disasters.
QUARTERBACK CLUB - 4-H and athletics - being active in both.
QUIET AND LOUD - identify agriculture and fisheries commodities in Louisiana by sounds.
QUILT - fundraiser to sell chances on a quilt done in the "4-H quilt" pattern.
R & R - leader recognition and relaxation.
RECYCLE ART CONTEST - only recyclable items can be used in this creative activity; you'll be surprised at the genuine works of art.
RECYCLE RTW - program on how to embellish ready-to-wear clothes for a different look.
RECYCLING PROJECT - start a recycle center at your local school or in your neighborhood.
RESUMES AND MORE - senior 4-H program on resume' writing, identifying job skills, and completing a job application.
SCHOOL SAFETY GUARDS - members monitor students as they get on and off school buses.
SECRET PALS - members adopt a secret pal (4-H member or teacher) and surprise their pal with special messages, birthday cards, or small gifts.
SENIOR CITIZENS' LUNCHEON - members prepare a nutritious meal and invite local needy senior citizens; contact your local Council on Aging.
SPRING PLANTING - beautification project for school or community.
SUMMER SAFETY PROGRAM - educational program on summer safety tips.
TAKE A CHANCE ON - sell chances on any donated items for an easy fundraiser.
TIP-TOP - parish award for outstanding 4-H members.
TOY DRIVE - collect old toys and allow 4-H members to clean and recondition them; donate to local charitable organizations for distribution to needy families.
TRASH BASH - conduct a monthly trash bash/clean-up on school grounds.
T-RIFFIC TREE ID - activity to identify and learn about native Louisiana trees.
U-B-1-2 - membership drive for 4-H.
U-GOT THE LOOK - good grooming workshop.
UNDERSTANDING GOVERNMENT - invite local government officials for a panel discussion and to explore how your local government works.
UP, UNDER, AND UPSIDE DOWN - icebreaker activity in which 4-H members hunt for the unusual at a club meeting.
URBAN 4-H PROJECTS - exploring 4-H projects for " city kids. "
VEGETABLE VIBES - selection, nutrition, and storing of fresh vegetables.
VETERAN'S DAY - members conduct a special ceremony to honor veterans; members invite veterans they know to be honored at the ceremony.
VETS AND PETS - clinic on how to take care of your pet (grooming, feeding, exercising, etc.); invite local veterinarians to conduct clinics on different types of pets.
VIDEO LIBRARY - establish a video library on 4-H projects and activities.
VOICE YOUR OPINION - writing letters to government officials.
WARDROBE WONDERS - wardrobe planning and inventory; coordinating accessories.
WINTER FESTIVAL - sponsor a winter festival of fun indoor activities.
WISE TO ENERGIZE - energy conservation tips and practices.
WOMEN'S SHELTER - donate grooming articles to local shelter for abused women.
WREATH CONTEST - sponsor a wreath decorating contest among 4-H members; members use horticultural materials and/or recyclable items to decorate wreaths; wreaths are donated to local senior citizen centers or nursing homes.
X-AMPLE DAY - members bring an example of a completed 4-H project or activity to a 4-H meeting.
X-CELLENT CLUB MEETING AWARD - recognize club officers or entire club for outstanding club meeting.
X MARKS THE SPOT - supply clues for a 4-H treasure hunt or scavenger hunt.
X-PLORING - target a specific topic or 4-H project area to investigate and explore throughout the month.
X-TRA! X-TRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! - establish a 4-H news column or newspaper at your local school.
Y IT'S YOU - self esteem program to identify positive skills and qualities.
YARD-SCAPING - beautification projects for the home and school.
YOU BE THE JUDGE - 4-H judging contests for project areas (plant science, horticulture, livestock, poultry, meat identification).
YOUNG EXPLORERS - introduction to 4-H to third grade students.
YOUTH QUAKE - 4-H Rally Day!
ZERO HOUR - final preparations for 4-H Achievement Day.
ZIP-ZAP-ZING! - workshop/clinic on the importance of beginning, following through, and completing a 4-H project.
ZONE 4-H - 4-H corner in classroom or school library.
ZOO MOBILE - petting zoo of farm animals and pets.
ZOOM & ZANY - be creative and let your imagination and club needs be your guide in developing other 4-H program ideas!