About St. Tammany Parish 4-H

4-H is a positive youth development program delivered by the nation's cooperative extension services that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. Through informal, research-based, experiential educational activities, 4-H members gain knowledge and life skills that enable them to become positive, productive, capable and compassionate members of their communities.

4-H Basics

4-H is the largest youth organization in the United States!

At the federal level, 4-H is organized as a part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Our parent department in the USDA is the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

4-H in Louisiana is administered by the LSU AgCenter and its Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service. The LSU AgCenter is part of the Louisiana State University (LSU) System.

How to Join

The St. Tammany 4-H program offers youth from all backgrounds and interests the opportunity to join 4-H as a 4-H Club member or independent member. 4-H offers membership without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, or disability.

4-H now utilizes an online system to start the registration process. Once you create a family account, you may add several members and yourself as an adult volunteer.

4-H Online

4-H members can pay their State and Parish 4-H Dues on 4-H Online, Clubs may collect an additional fee to support the club.

For questions, contact the St. Tammany Parish Extension Office at 985-875-2635 or contact Amy Long-Pierre, 4-H Agent, at along@agcenter.lsu.edu or Olivia Picard, 4-H Agent, at opicard@agecnter.lsu.edu.

4-H Opportunities

4-H offers opportunities for youth to grow and learn more about themselves and the world around them. 4-H offers youth to attend camps and conferences within the parish, as well as, across the state and country. Youth can receive awards, honors, and scholarships to recognize them for the hard work and excelling. Lastly, 4-H offers endless opportunities to travel and compete. Members can participate in a Louisiana 4-H-sponsored trip like the summer educational trip, Orlando Leadership Institute, 4-H Congress, and Citizenship Washington Focus.

Types of Memberships Offered

Three types of membership is offered in St. Tammany Parish:

  • Cloverbud - An age appropriate, non-competitive experience for youth that targets children from kindergarten through third grade.
  • Club Member - 4-H Club members must be in grades 4 through 12. Youth must be at least 9 years old and have not passed their 19th birthday. 4-H Clubs are groups of youth who meet monthly to learn, work on 4-H projects, perform community service, develop leadership skills and work together.
  • Members-at-Large - Participate in planned learning outside of a club setting. Self-directed with guidance and support of parents and mentors.

Club Resources

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
