St. John Parish Profile

About the LSU AgCenter

The LSU AgCenter is dedicated to providing innovative research, information and education to improve people’s lives. Working in a statewide network of parish extension offices, research stations and academic departments, the LSU AgCenter helps Louisiana citizens make the best use of natural resources, protect the environment, enhance agricultural enterprises, and develop human and community resources.

Program Highlights

Nutrition and Community Health

St. John the Baptist Parish ranks 37 out of 64 parishes for health outcomes (2024 County Health Rankings). According to the County Health Rankings, 45% of St. John the Baptist residents are obese, which increases their risk of developing cardiovascular illnesses, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. Flavors of Health provides classes and workshops on a variety of topics that empower individuals and families to make healthy choices to live their most healthful lives.

4-H Youth Development

In St. John the Baptist Parish, the 4-H Youth Development Program focuses on providing youth with fun, interactive, hands-on learning opportunities that encompass the youth thriving indicators outlined by the 4-H Thriving Model. This is done through youth project work, camps, contests, workshops, and service-learning projects. For the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 program years, youth in St. John Parish will focus on life skill development as agreed on by the St. John Parish 4-H Advisory Council.

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Library seminars continue to provide the community with education on various topics to improve the skill set of home horticulture. Recent topics included yearlong gardening, adding healthy greens and root vegetables to the fall garden, and maintaining indoor plants. The seed swap stations at the libraries are still available for use to encourage home seed collection and preservation along with providing a source of seeds for flower and vegetable production throughout the year.

Who we reach

  • 1,023 youth (includes 504 4-H members and 13 school 4-H Clubs and one (1) community club)
  • 403 adults (through Agriculture and Natural Resources through Nutrition and Community Health classes and programs)

How we reach them:

4-H Clubs, school enrichment, field days, publications, newsletters, class series, website, social media and workshops..

Expanding our efforts:

90 volunteers from 4-H, Master Gardeners, Nutrition and Community Health

Parish Facts

LSU AgCenter county agents provide research-based information on plant, aquaculture, wildlife and animal enterprises to St. John Parish residents. The total dollar amount from these commodities in 2020 were: Animal enterprises, $523,091; aquaculture and wildlife, $77,841; plant enterprises, $18,680,596.

Land area — 214.47 square miles; Population — 39,592; Population under 18 years old —23.9%; Population 65 years old and over — 16.4%; Median household income — $67,418; Persons below poverty — 16.8%

Local Issues & Plans for this year

Increase productivity and profitability of Louisiana Agriculture

  • Conduct regional Tomato Field Day and parish vegetable garden contests.
  • Provide training to become a River Region Master Gardener
  • Provide seminars on horticultural practices, create webpage and news column content.
  • Provide educational and diagnostic home and farm visits.

Reconnect with the community to promote the care and use of natural resources and protection of the environment

  • Advise homeowners on the wise use of pesticides and other chemicals
  • Conduct recertification class for pesticide handlers with LDAF
  • Provide informational assistance on landscape and pond management
  • Conduct seasonal guidance on garden production

Helping youth thrive through 4-H Youth Development

  • Develop and implement service-learning projects throughout the parish
  • Provide youth with leadership opportunities
  • Building a program that provides opportunities for a growth mindset, openness to challenge & discover, hopeful purpose, prosocial orientation, transcendent awareness, positive emotions, and goal setting & management
  • Conduct educational programs focusing on life skills to youth through 4-H club meetings

Strengthen families and communities

  • Teach nutritious lessons and healthy recipe demonstrations to the residents of the parish
  • Conduct nutrition and health programs that help create healthy communities by improving overall nutrition and physical activity levels, in youth and adults
  • Collaborate with community leaders and stakeholders on parish needs assessment

How is Extension Funded?

  • Federal funding from the USDA/ NIFA.
  • State general funds from the Louisiana Legislature.
  • Local support from parish government, including police juries and school boards.
  • Self-generated funds

What Role Do You Play?

Our stakeholders at the parish level are the local supporters and beneficiaries of the LSU AgCenter cooperative extension programs. Their support keeps these critical programs in their communities.

Each Parish Offers Programming In:

  • 4-H and Youth Development
  • Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • Family and Consumer Sciences

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
