The traffic light eating plan makes it easier to choose healthy foods.
Time to have BBQ’s, swim parties, beach parties, graduation parties, and all sorts of parties. We need to be aware of foodborne illnesses.
Getting motivated and changing your life in 7 days can be a dream come true if you are willing to follow these simple and easy steps.
How would you like to not have to worry about what to cook for dinner tonight or how many calories you are taking in or have used up?
Nutrition classes offered at Leroy D. Wallace Memorial Library, Reserve, Louisiana.
Nutrition classes offered in June and July.
Simple Healing Foods
My Plate says that you need at least 3 ounces of whole grains every day. We eat whole grains to feel fuller faster and to be healthier.
10 ways to eliminate some of the sweet treats that we give to our children. These sweet treats come in many forms such as soda, sports drinks and energy drinks.
May is the month that we are made aware of Mental Health illnesses. Millions of Americans face the reality of living with mental health issues.
The students really enjoyed pedaling the smoothie bike and making smoothie from something that they grew in their garden. This was a great exciting experience.
Wow! Summer break is here.Finding a balance of watching TV and getting physical activity is important for children to be healthy.
Finding a balance of watching TV and getting physical activity is important for children to be healthy.Children are not getting the recommended levels.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021 is National Walking Day this year.Why not take advantage of that day by walking with a friend, co-worker, children or family member.
West St. John High School Students preparing their school and community garden beds for planting.
Mr. Lorenzo Edwards and Mrs. Rochelle Darville applied for the 2020-2021 LHCC (Louisiana Healthy Communities Coalition) Mini-Grant in November 2020.
National Nutrition Month, Nutrition Blog, Double corn bread recipe, and more.
A social distance Walking for Benefits Club is being offered to the people of St. John the Baptist Parish.
This year let us try to get back on track and follow the directions of the Governor so that we can end this struggle and get back to a new normal.
Baked Macaroni and cheese, oatmeal cookies, fried chicken, fried fish, butter pecan ice cream are foods that we, turn to when depressed or stressed.
Are you interested in some Holiday tips to help you avoid Holiday calories?Are you a person that like to taste different foods?
This Christmas is going to be very different because of the Coronavirus so that there is no spread to family members or friends.
Foodborne illness is caused by consuming contaminated foods or beverages.Food poisoning is a type of foodborne illness caused by swallowing toxins.
The holidays are just around the corner with less than 50 shopping days left until Christmas. It is the perfect time now to start planning your budget.
Cynthia Clifton welcomed everyone to the meeting.Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, the meeting was held via Microsoft Teams.
Lisa Ellsworth with Healthy Blue agreed to purchase 200 water bottles for East St. John High students.
To ensure that students still have access to fun physical activity, the LSU AgCenter programs have teamed up with community partners to stencil painted spaces.
LSU AgCenter Healthy Communities had been talking about doing something to get the students active by drinking more water during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Break Up with Salt Series covered the basics of high blood pressure and managing it through nutrition and lifestyle changes to improve your health.
Sweet potatoes are a major health superpower vegetable.They are packed with minerals, fiber, vitamins, and phytonutrients for your body and mind.
Do you know the different varieties of pumpkins? Well, let us get educated on some different varieties of pumpkins!
Try to do 10 minutes at least three times a day.Identify times during the day that you could exercise. Parking father away from the store.
Whole grain foods are foods made with the grain intact. There are two kinds of grain foods: whole grain foods and refined grain foods.
Monthly FCS Nutrition Newsletter listing upcoming online classes that are being offered for this month.
In This Issue: Smart Shopping, Food Safety, Topping Cauliflower Waffles with your favorite foods, Healthy Recipe and Virtual Online Nutrition Classes.
In This Issue: Managing in Tough Times, Eat Tomatoes for your Heart and Health Healthy Recipe.
Nutrition blog, Frequently Asked Questions and Greek Ambrosia recipe.
It is known as the “silent killer.” This chronic illness got its nickname because there are no symptoms or warning signs.
The best ways to prevent getting COVID-19 are handwashing, avoiding sick people, and social distancing.
March-April newsletter contains information on FCS Community Coalition, Nutrition Blog and includes a Healthy Recipe.
Dining with Diabetes, Nutrition events, Lunch and Learn "Clean Eating" and more.
FCS Nutrition newsletter with upcoming events, nutrition blog and healthy recipe.
Healthy Communities Bike Safety Partnership: Let's Ride in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. Youth are learning biking skills to ride safely in their neighborhoods.
Smart Portions - A Healthy Weight Loss Management Program coming soon to River Parishes Community College, Nutrition Blog, Healthy Recipe.
Meeting minutes from the Forum meeting identifying strengths and weakness of the parish relating to becoming healthier.
Getting an A1C test helps you to set goals and get the correct treatment for each individual case. We should also test for low blood glucose.
This newsletter has information on careful living with Diabetes. Tips on how to keep your feet happy and seven self-care strategies for managing diabetes.
Inflammation is a process which the body protects our organs from invasion of foreign organism from lurking around.
In This Issue: Preparing for a workout, Nutrition Blog, Healthy Recipe, Mediterranean-Style Heart-Healthy Eating, and Heart Questions to Ask Your Doctor
Nutrition newsletter with information on healthy living through various programs offered in St. John Parish.
FCS Nutrition Advisory Board Meeting Minutes from the August 22, 2018 meeting.
Seniors in Jefferson Parish enjoy the Healthy eating series presented by Karen Marie the Salubrious RD. They have made positive dietary and exercise changes.
Minutes from the FCS Nutrition Advisory Board meeting held on February 7, 2018.
Dining with Diabetes is a program to help adults at risk or with Type 2 diabetes learn about managing their condition.
This newsletter gives you tips on how to manage your weight and eating habits. It's all about Healthy Living!
Managing your calorie intake is important.The total number of calories varies depending on age, sex, height, weight and level of physical activity.
In the April edition of the Where Do I Get It? Nutrition newsletter includes upcoming events in the parish along with a nutrition blog and a healthy recipe.
The Healthy Communities program is a program that engages the community at all levels with planning, development, implementation and evaluation.
Why eating salads can benefit your health in many different ways
"Where Do I Get It? Nutrition" is a nutrition newsletter for St. John Parish that focuses on nutrition programs to help teachers, students, government officials and the community discover ways to get healthy and fit.
With all the chilly cold and hot temperatures also comes the spread of those dreadful words COLD and FLU. This time of the year also brings challenges to the healthiest of people.
The purpose of the Health & Wellness Fair was to increase health awareness and disease prevention, increase awareness of local health services and resources, motivate participants to make positive health behavior changes and teach self-care practices.
During the Christmas and New Year's holiday, let's eat lots of healthy fruits and vegetables that are blue and red in color.
Pumpkins are great for us in that it has no cholesterol and very low in fat and sodium, but rich in vitamins. Because of the bright orange color, it is loaded with antioxidant, beta-carotene and vitamins.
Making parties and events fun while eating healthy and being physically active is doable in today’s society. Focus on enjoying friends and family while eating tasty healthy foods from all 5 food groups.
Where Do I Get It? Nutrition is a nutrition newsletter for St. John Parish that focuses on nutrition programs to help teachers, students, government officials and the community as a whole to learn ways to get healthy and fit.
Let's learn how to build a MyPlate Sandwich healthy meal for your children lunches. All five food groups are going to be used.
Where Do I Get It? Nutrition is a nutrition newsletter for St. John Parish that focuses on nutrition programs to help teachers, students, government officials and the community as a whole to learn ways to get healthy and fit.
There are certain health benefits for plating your meal instead of having families serve buffet style. When plating your meal, portion control and balance of a variety of foods come into plan.
A food source of folic acid, asparagus contains vitamin B that helps to lower the risk of heart and liver disease. This vegetable comes in three different colors: green, white and purple.
Pecans are the only major tree nut that naturally grows in North America. Pre-colonial people in North America widely used pecans as a major food source during the autumn month.
How would you like to not have to worry about what to cook for dinner or how many calories you are taking in or have used up? It would be so much easier for everyone if we all have the right app for a lot of things in our lives.
The students leaned that fruits and vegetables provide nutrients that help them grow and stay healthy.
Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day. It beats more when you exercise, get excited or are scared. Let's eat right so that our hearts keep beating to the MAX!!!
When we select foods that are healthy and nutritious for us, we add strength to our brains and enhance our emotional health.
"Where Do I Get It? Nutrition" is a nutrition newsletter for St. John Parish that focuses on nutrition programs to help teachers, students, government officials and the community as a whole to learn ways to get healthy and fit.
St. John the Baptist Parish held a Wellness Event on Thursday, December 19, 2013. The event was to provide health and wellness educational information.
Every year is the same old story, I want to lose the weight I gained during the holidays, well, let's get started.
The Garyville Library hosted a Couponing, Budgeting and Shopping Workshop. Participants were given handouts on extreme couponing tips and comparing prices and of course coupons to trade.
"Where Do I Get It? Nutrition" is a nutrition newsletter for St. John Parish that focuses on nutrition programs to help teachers, students, government officials and the community as a whole to learn ways to get healthy and fit.
Thanksgiving is a time that brings families and love ones together to feast, share and kick off the season of eating good food.
Packing lunches from home can keep the cost down and can be healthier and add more nutrients.
Halloween is a great kid's day filled with creative costumes, parties, friends and spooky themes. It is also filled with lots of sugary candy treats.
There are several ways to keep food safe. They include: covering your food when microwaving, bring food to a boil to kill bacteria, defrosting food in the refrigerator, cooking food above 145 degrees, throwing away old food over a week and keeping food cool at a picnic.
Making wise choices while on vacation is something that everyone should consider to have and maintain a healthy lifestyle and be successful.
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Studying Hypertension). Adopting the DASH eating plan is easy for beginners.
Our focus should be on our heart and making it strong and healthy. In order to do this, we need to exercise, eat healthy and manage our daily stress.
Head Start Parents from St. James Parish attended a Shopping Matters for Adults Shopping Tour at the Wal-Mart in Donaldsonville, Louisiana.
The Louisiana Body Walk is one of three components of Smart Bodies, a comprehensive health program that provides nutrition education and promotes increased physical activity.
Sweet treats come in many forms such as sodas, sport drinks, energy drinks, juices and sweet treats or junk food.
Offering your children a variety of different foods gives your children the nutrients that they need from many different types of foods.
Did you know that giving your child a nutritious breakfast in the morning makes a BIG difference in how they perform during the day in school?
According to the Center for Disease Control, 65.3% of children are not getting the recommended levels of physical activities that they need to be healthy. Set examples for your children by exercising with your children and doing fun things such as walking, jogging, playing basketball, baseball or football.
Creeping silently through your home, there's a killer that gives no warning. You won't know that you have a carbon monoxide leak without a working detector. If you burn any fuels for heat or cooking, be sure that you have a working carbon monoxide detector and deter this silent killer.
More than 800 youth in in St. John Parish have learned how to make healthy choices and remain healthy through participation in the Louisiana Body Walk traveling exhibit.
Promoting nutrition matters is focusing on how to prepare healthy and affordable meals for the whole family.