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Support the St. John the Baptist 4-H Program by purchasing a flat of Louisiana-grown strawberries. All proceeds will benefit the St. John 4-H Program.
The 4-H Alumni Award is designed to honor individuals who were 4-H members as youth for their outstanding accomplishments in adulthood.
Check out the monthly newsletter to elarn about the various upcoming camps, conferences and opportunities for youth and families
4-H'ers in grades 4th-6th come learn about Louisiana History and Culture as we spend a day in Baton Rouge
4-H'ers come spend a day going through the safari and swamps of Louisiana.
7th-12th grade members come learn about marine biology as we visit the coast of Louisiana. This hands-on opportunity is one you will not want to miss
An introductory workshop series for youth in grades 3-6 that will feature basic life skill topics, such as cooking, sewing, arts and more.
In 4-H, we pledge our hands to larger service. Check out this article and apply for the inaugural 4-H Community Service Award.
The Emerald Achievement Award recognizes 4-H members 15 years and older who have conducted outstanding club and Junior Leadership work for at least three years.
The Golden Clover Award recognizes 4-H members 14 years old and younger who has conducted outstanding club work for at least two years.
Check our the monthly newsletter to learn about the various upcoming camps, conferences and opportunities for youth and families
What's a good theme for the 2025-2026 4-H year? Send in your most creative ideas for a slogan and the illustration to accompany it.
4-H Club leaders are the backbone of a 4-H Program and we are asking you to nominate a club leader to receive this award this year.
4-H graduating seniors, don't miss your opportunity to apply for a 4-H Scholarship that can assist you in furthering your education
CWF is a citizenship program that uses Washington D.C. as its classroom and allows to learn and practice skills to be better leaders and citizens.
Check out the monthly newsletter to learn about the various upcoming opportunities for youth and families
4-H members showcase your knowledge of the dairy industry in a creative way by participating in the annual Draw-A-Dairy Billboard Contest.
The Louisiana 4-H Food & Fitness Board is pleased to host a day camp that will feature hands-on cooking activities, games, mindfulness, and more.
Louisiana 4-H is hosting the 2025 Louisiana Beef Industry Council Beef Poster Contest. This contest encourages youth to learn more about the beef industry
St. John and St. Charles Parish 4-H Program is excited to host a fun, hands-on healthy living outdoors day on the Bonnet Carre' Spillway.
Check out the monthly newsletter to learn about the various upcoming opportunities for youth and families.
This youth mentoring program will increase social competency and academic success, foster a safe place to belong, and build life skills.
Check out the monthly newsletter to learn more about the various opportunities youth can take advantage of.
One of the most common insect pests of citrus trees is the citrus leaf-miner. It is a tiny maggot larva that mines its way through the inside of a leaf feeding on the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf at the same time.
An immersive 3-day event designed to engage and inspire 7th and 8th grade 4-H youth with a keen interest in government relations, volunteering/service, and PD
This competition challenges 4-H'ers to create a dish using only a key ingredient and access to a "grocery store" of other ingredients.
Support the St. John the Baptist 4-H Program by purchasing Louisiana-grown pecans. Check out this article for more information
This edition of the monthly newsletter highlights summer programs and introduces the many opportunities forth coming.
This leadership program is to help youth who are interested in agriculture careers and want to gain agriculture knowledge in various ag sectors.
Nominate a youth in St. John Parish who has accomplished something awesome and deserves a shout-out for overcoming challenges or making a difference.
This monthly photography contest is open to all 4-H members and encourages them to use photography as a meaningful and expressive communication tool
Calling all inspired chefs, participate in the Fall Cookery Contest! This cookery will include the following commodities: LA Commodities, Sugar and Poultry.
The annual Paper Clover fundraiser sponsored by Tractor Supply Co. will take place Oct. 2-13, 2024. Visit a local Tractor Supply to purchase
4-H’ers gather your paintbrushes and participate in the St. John 4-H Pumpkin Decorating Contest.
What's a good theme for the 2025 4-H Summer Camp in seven (7) words or less? Check out the full list of rules for the contest.
Kick-off the 4-H year by participating in a 4-H Poster Contest. This article has the list of rules and scoresheet.
Check out the list of award and recognition opportunities for 4-H members and 4-H Clubs
This workforce readiness program is open to youth in grades 7-12 and features a mixture of workshops and field trip opportunities.
Check out the events and contests that are planned for the 2024-2025 program year for St. John Parish. Additional events may be added.
The ALC meeting is a combination of the program areas offered by LSU AgCenter.
This contest is to celebrate National Library Week and aims to celebrate books, art, food, and culture. This contest is open to all youth in grades K-12.
This month's edition is the last for the 2023-24 program year and includes information regarding upcoming contest, awards and events.
Grow your own garden at home and learn about vegatables and participate in the St. John the Baptist 4-H Gardening Contest. Awards will be given.
Calling all inspired chefs, participate in the Spring Cookery Contest! This contest will include 15 different categories.
This month's newsletter includes information regarding upcoming contests, applications and more.
This months newsletter includes information regarding upcoming contest, applications, and more
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and so do the youth of today. Check out this article to see the rules on the Dream Big Art Contest.
TLEI will prepare teams to be change agents within the CES as we work to create more welcoming and inclusive environments.
The forest products industry contributes to each parish economy in a number of ways ranging from jobs, wages, and purchases in local economies.
Check out the monthly newsletter to learn more about various opportunities youth can take advantage of.
Spread the holiday cheer by participating in the Holiday Wreath Decorating Contest
4-H'ers honor our local veterans by writing thank you card. Check out the article for more information
Please help us celebrate Farm to School Month and Louisiana Agriculture! Have your students create artwork for the 2024 Louisiana Farm to School Calendar
This edition of the monthly newsletter highlights summer programs and introduces the many opportunities forth coming.
Help grow our brand and 4-H here in St. John Parish and serve as a 4-H Brand Ambassador, Applications are due by Friday, June 30, 2023
SRTLC is a multi-state 4-H conference created to bring together 4-H teens to empower & inspire them to make a positive change across the southern region
No Cap: Spreading Truth & Authenticity is a hands-on educational series in partnership with the St. John the Baptist Parish Library
Another red tree – deciduous holly / possumhaw / Ilex decidua recently. (Scientific names come in handy when we have so many common names.)