Johnsongrass Control in Sugarcane - Asulox/Asulam and Envoke Programs

Rene A. Schmit, Griffin, James L.

We are now into early March 2011 and it is still a little early for emergence of seedling johnsongrass and itchgrass/raoulgrass. Rhizome johnsongrass growth, however, seems more advanced compared with past years. I have received several calls asking if it is too early to treat. To control emerged johnsongrass requires application of Asulox/Asulam either alone or in combination with Envoke. Our research has shown more consistent rhizome johnsongrass control with the combination compared with Asulox/Asulam applied alone.

Johnsongrass Control Programs

Asulox/Asulam if used alone should be applied broadcast at 4 quarts/A (2 quarts/A for 36-inch band and 72-inch row). When used in combination, Asulox/Asulam should be applied at 2 quarts/A (1 quart/A banded) plus Envoke at 0.3 oz/A (0.15 oz/A banded). Nonionic surfactant at 1 to 2 quarts/100 gallons of water or crop oil concentrate at 1 gallon/100 gallons of water should be added to the spray solution. If water pH is above 9.0, addition of a buffer may be beneficial. A broadcast spray volume of 15 to 30 gallons of water per acre (7.5 to 15 gallons per acre banded) is recommended. To assure good spray coverage of johnsongrass foliage, nozzles should be mounted on drops with spray solution directed into the top and sides of the canopy.

The combination of Asulox/Asulam plus Envoke will also control itchgrass, other annual grasses, morning glory and nutsedge. Weeds treated with Envoke will turn yellow, red, or purple after several days and weed death generally occurs in one to three weeks depending on growing conditions. Envoke can cause some yellowing and white banding on sugarcane leaves present in the whorl at application and a temporary delay in sugarcane growth may occur.

General Information Asulox/Asulam and Envoke Programs

At application, average air temperature should be at least 60 F with johnsongrass 12- to 18- inches tall and actively growing. If johnsongrass is purple in color from stress due to cool weather, delay herbicide application until plants green-up. To avoid a decrease in weed control, DO NOT cultivate, fertilize, or otherwise disturb the johnsongrass root system seven days before or after Asulox /Asulam application. Asulox/Asulam and Envoke can be applied with Prowl/Prowl H2O/others or Metribuzin/Sencor/others to provide residual weed control without negatively affecting johnsongrass control.

Dr. Jim Griffin is with the LSU AgCenter in the School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences and has research and extension responsibilities in the area of sugarcane weed management. He can be reached by phone at 225 578-1768 and by email.

3/14/2011 6:49:33 PM
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