Red River Parish 4-Hers compete at Louisiana State Fair 2013

Rylee Kate entered into the State Fair of Louisiana Cooking Contest.

Claire Drabewll participated in the 4-H Share The Fun Talent Contest

Claire Drabwell and her dad Eric Drabwell.

Rylee Kate Woodard and Claire Drabwell of Red River Parish 4-H participated in activities at the Louisiana State Fair in 2013.

Rylee Kate entered into the State Fair of Louisiana Cooking Contest. The two competitions she participated in were the Pecan Cookery Contest sponsored by Louisiana Pecan Growers and the Kid’s Cookie Decorating Contest sponsored by The Wooden Spoon.

Claire Drabewll participated in the 4-H Share The Fun Talent Contest sponsored by LSU AgCenter and The State Fair of Louisiana were she did a song and dance in the competition.

We would like to congratulate these two Red River Parish 4-H'ers on a job well done. If you would like more information on the contest at the Louisiana State Fair or on becoming a 4-H'er in Red River Parish please feel free to contact the LSU AgCenter in Red River Parish at 318-932-4342.

2/11/2014 9:40:22 PM
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