About 4-H

4-H Basics

  • 4-H is the largest youth organization in the United States.
  • Louisiana 4-H is the largest youth development program with clubs and groups in all sixty-four parishes. From food, fitness, fashion to computers, cows, and camping, there's a 4-H activity for everyone.
  • Find your local 4-H program and start making friends and learning new skills.4-H in Louisiana is administered by the LSU AgCenter and its Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service. The LSU AgCenter is part of the Louisiana State University (LSU) System.

How Can I Participate in 4-H?

Louisiana 4-H provides opportunities for youth from all backgrounds and interest to become a member and learn and grow through hands-one experiences. Any youth from the age of 9 years of age (before January 1st of the current 4-H year) can be a member. Youth can participate as long as they have not passed their 20th birthday on January 1. Because of our diverse age range, 4-H has lots of opportunities and experiences for all ages of youth to participate in.

  • Cloverbud Program is for kids in grades Kindergarten to 3rd grades. Cloverbuds is designed to allow younger youth to participate in age appropriate, non-competitive experiences through 4-H. Contact Pointe Coupee 4-H office to see if your school offers cloverbuds.
  • 4-H Club membership are groups of of young people who meet monthly to learn about a particular subject, work on a project, perform community service, develop leadership skills and work together. Guided by one or more adult volunteer, a club can have any number of members from a school, a neighborhood, or parish.
  • Independent 4-H members participate in planned learning outside of a club setting which is self-directed with leadership and support from parents and/or mentors.

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
