In this issue: Focus on Wellness Year-round; Kids Corner; Honey Garlic Chicken; Why Connectivity Matters; and February Calendar.
Ouachita 4-H publishes a monthly newsletter with information about upcoming events, contests, and dates.
Ouachita 4-H publishes a monthly newsletter with information about upcoming events, contests, and dates.
In this issue: Introducing Read and Ride in Northeast Louisiana, Kids Corner, Ambrosia, Welcome Our New Local Foods Systems Coordinator, and January calendar.
2025 NELA Agriculture Photography Contest photos are due to the Ouachita 4-H office Friday, January 17, 2025.
Ouachita 4-H publishes a monthly newsletter with information about upcoming events, contests, and dates.
Ouachita 4-H publishes a monthly newsletter with information about upcoming events, contests, and dates.
In this issue: Preparing your Holiday Turkey Safely, Kids Corner, Deviled Eggs, Walk This Way, and December Calendar.
This is a quick and easy stir fry recipe that is perfect for busy nights.
Ouachita Parish 4-H Fall Foods Fest Cookery Contest is scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2024.
In this issue: Spooky Foods, Halloween Safety Tips, Not-So-Spooky Air "Fried" Brussels Sprouts, Communities on the Move, and November Calendar.
Ouachita 4-H publishes a monthly newsletter with information about upcoming events, contests, and dates.
In this issue: LSU AgCenter Premier Program: Small Changes Healthy Habits, Kids Corner, Grilled Okra with Olive Oil and Garlic, Welcome Tara, and Oct. Calendar.
In this issue: Boosting Back-to-School Success Through Physical Activity, Kids Corner, Recipe of the Month, Success Story, and What's Happening in September.
In this issue: Managing Your Food Dollars, Kids Corner, Recipe of the Month, Success Story, and What's Happing in August.
In this issue: Hydrate with Infused Water, Kids Corner, Black Eyed Pea Salsa, Success Story, and What's Happening in July.
In this issue: Family Movement Matters, Kids Corner, Apple Nachos, What's Happening in June
In this issue: Kids Corner, Dig In to Fitness with Gardening, Lori's Hummus, Community Highlight - Ouachita/Union Parish, and What's Happening in May.
Flavors of Health is a nutrition education and health program with a community focus.
In this issue: National Nutrition Month; Kids' Corner; Roasted Red Pepper, Spinach, & Feta Pasta; Community Highlight: Clarks - Caldwell; April Events
It’s time to begin making your plans to attend 4-H Summer Camp!! This year our camp week is July 1-4, 2024. Registration deadline Friday, April 26, 2024!!
In this issue: The New & Improved Germ Cave, Kids' Corner, Sweet Potato Casserole, The Importance of Handwashing & Food Safety, and January calendar.
Entries are due to the Ouachita 4-H office by Monday, January 8, 2024.
Promote the dairy industry by drawing a billboard encouraging or promoting the consumption of milk and/or milk products & their importance for health.
The 2024 Beef Poster Contest Theme is “Bite Into Beef".
This sweet potato recipe is quick and easy. It is perfect for a weeknight side dish and cooks in a skillet for easy clean up.
In this issue: Diabetes Awareness Month; Kids' Corner; Pumpkin Fluff Dip; Tensas Produce Market Falls into Place; and December Calendar
If you are 9 years or older & like shooting guns or bows, then our Shooting Sports Club is for you!
The 2024 Theme is Neon Revolution. Form & donations are due to the 4-H office, 704 Cypress Street in West Monroe by December 8, 2023.
The Ouachita 4-H Cookery Contest is scheduled for Monday, November 27, 2023 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the 4-H auditorium.
The forest products industry contributes to each parish economy in several ways, including jobs, wages and purchases in the local economies.
Healthy Young People Empowerment or HYPE is a group for teens in Ouachita Parish.
In this issue: Breast Cancer Awareness Month; Kids' Corner; Southwestern Roasted Vegetables; West Carroll Parish Fall Community Health Fair; November Calendar.
In this issue: Kids' Corner, National Childhood Obesity Month, Kid-Friendly English Muffin Pizza, A Facelift for Facen Park, and October Calendar
2023-2024 Ouachita 4-H Enrollment is open!!
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The FCS Spotlight for April is on Team Cuisine Culinary Camp in West Carroll Parish.
4-H University provides youth with the opportunity to meet other members from across the state and compete for trips, prizes and leadership experiences.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The FCS Spotlight for February is on training for team members to "fit in fitness" at the workplace.
The 2023 Louisiana 4-H Food Challenge is scheduled for Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at the State Evacuation Center, Alexandria, LA.
This page contains information about upcoming Pesticide Recertification Meetings in the Northeast Region.
General information on associations of sitting behavior with chronic disease risks and health.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The FCS Spotlight for January is on the Teen Cuisine program in Franklin Parish.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The FCS Spotlight for November is on Southern University Ag Center FCS Agent of the Year, Marianna Langston.
The FCS Spotlight for December is on Walk-A-Mile Day in East Carroll Parish.
4-H project work is a portal to youth development.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
4-H Night with the Pelicans is scheduled for Friday, January 6, 2023.
The FCS Spotlight for October is on the Willie Davis Jr. Recreation Center walking trail.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The Mediterranean diet is more of a lifestyle approach to eating based on the traditional food habits and eating practices of Mediterranean countries.
The Ouachita 4-H Photography Club is open for all 4-H'ers in Ouachita Parish.
2022 Camp Culinary will take place November 21-22, 2022 at Camp Grant Walker.
The FCS Spotlight for September is on improvements to Kendall's Park in East Carroll Parish.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The FCS Spotlight for August is on back-to-school events in East Carroll Parish.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The FCS Spotlight for July is on KidChef and TeenChef Camps.
Looking for an excellent nutrition breakfast or snack recipe, try this easy delicious granola recipe. Add nonfat yogurt and your favorite fresh fruit.
This video explains how to harvest, repot, and grow pineapples in Louisiana.
A brief explanation for a program being presented on 3 August 2022 at the Caldwell Parish Library.
An air fryer is a countertop appliance designed to simulate deep frying without submerging the food in oil.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
Tomatoes with mozzarella cheese and fresh basil star in this recipe for Baked Italian Tomatoes.
This recipe for Southwestern Roasted Vegetables features sweet potatoes, zucchini, and onion. This dish is prepared on a sheet pan and makes a tasty side dish.
The FCS Spotlight for June is on pressure canner usage.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The FCS Spotlight for May is on the Recreational Trails Grant for walking paths and a pocket park in Tallulah, Louisiana.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The FCS Spotlight for April is on the school walking track at J.S. Clark Magnet School in Monroe.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The FCS Spotlight for March is on Healthy Communities Coalition's partnership with the Town of Ferriday to bring about StoryWalk.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.
The Advisory Leadership Council System is used by the LSU AgCenter as one method of responding to the needs of the people of Louisiana.
Researchers have shown that a serving of blueberries provides more antioxidant activity than many other fresh fruits and vegetables.
The Northeast Region Newsletter offers the latest research-based information on all things nutrition.