In this issue: Introducing Read and Ride in Northeast Louisiana, Kids Corner, Ambrosia, Welcome Our New Local Foods Systems Coordinator, and January calendar.
In this issue: Preparing your Holiday Turkey Safely, Kids Corner, Deviled Eggs, Walk This Way, and December Calendar.
In this issue: Spooky Foods, Halloween Safety Tips, Not-So-Spooky Air "Fried" Brussels Sprouts, Communities on the Move, and November Calendar.
In this issue: LSU AgCenter Premier Program: Small Changes Healthy Habits, Kids Corner, Grilled Okra with Olive Oil and Garlic, Welcome Tara, and Oct. Calendar.
In this issue: Boosting Back-to-School Success Through Physical Activity, Kids Corner, Recipe of the Month, Success Story, and What's Happening in September.
In this issue: Managing Your Food Dollars, Kids Corner, Recipe of the Month, Success Story, and What's Happing in August.
In this issue: Hydrate with Infused Water, Kids Corner, Black Eyed Pea Salsa, Success Story, and What's Happening in July.
In this issue: Family Movement Matters, Kids Corner, Apple Nachos, What's Happening in June
In this issue: Kids Corner, Dig In to Fitness with Gardening, Lori's Hummus, Community Highlight - Ouachita/Union Parish, and What's Happening in May.
In this issue: National Nutrition Month; Kids' Corner; Roasted Red Pepper, Spinach, & Feta Pasta; Community Highlight: Clarks - Caldwell; April Events
In this issue: The New & Improved Germ Cave, Kids' Corner, Sweet Potato Casserole, The Importance of Handwashing & Food Safety, and January calendar.
In this issue: Diabetes Awareness Month; Kids' Corner; Pumpkin Fluff Dip; Tensas Produce Market Falls into Place; and December Calendar
In this issue: Breast Cancer Awareness Month; Kids' Corner; Southwestern Roasted Vegetables; West Carroll Parish Fall Community Health Fair; November Calendar.
In this issue: Kids' Corner, National Childhood Obesity Month, Kid-Friendly English Muffin Pizza, A Facelift for Facen Park, and October Calendar
(09/08/2023) Lake Providence, La. – Lake Providence has received $2 million to help put their newly adopted complete streets plan into action.
Morehouse LSU AgCenter report to stakeholders providing information on funding sources, program highlights for the area, and local issues that are being faced by the parish through the Extension Service.
Description of 4-H activities and enrollment options in Morehouse Parish.
Many different strategies are available for fertilizing pastures. They vary according to stocking rate, presence or absence of legumes and whether the pastures consist of summer or winter plants. Includes information on soil testing, pH, liming and winter annuals. (PDF Format Only)