History and care of figs trees for Louisiana.
History of southern peas, and information for growing them in your garden.
Information on use of native hibiscus plants in the landscape.
Fall webworm control methods for landscape and fruit trees.
Growing magnolia trees in the home landscape.
Althea shrubs for the landscape provide flowers all summer long.
Information on how to grow potatoes in the home garden.
Magnolia, gardenias, and star jasmine are popular ornamental plant for southern gardens. Blooming between April and June, these plants produce fragrant flowers.
Hydrangeas come in many varieties. Knowing how to properly care for them will ensure blooms from spring to summer.
As we approach the end of April, now is the time to fertilize your lawn, vegetable gardens, and spring blooming shrubs.
April showers, May flowers, azaleas, Mother's Day, hydrangeas, Mother's Day gift, Louisiana Super Plant, Gardenias, Magnolias, Agapanthus, day lilies, bees.
Crape myrtle, flowering tree, prune, bloom, variety, Chickasaw, Cherry Dazzle, Natchez, Muskogee, fertilize, foliage, sooty mold, insect, acephate, Orthene.
Gum tree, large mass forest tent caterpillars, fisherman, blue gill, bream, oak, gum, tupelo gum, maple, buck moth caterpillar, spines, eggs, Orthene, Dipel, Bt
Spring, deciduous, trees, growth, pruning, azaleas, ornamentals, mulch, pine straw, fertilizer, 8-8-8, fire ants, Crape myrtles, blooming, paint, soil line.
Easter, pecan trees, leaves, native trees, black knots, gall, phylloxera, aphid-like insect, leaf out, green galls, spring, fertilizer, nuts, nut crop, May
March, tomatoes, heirlooms, Cherokee Purple, Red and Pink Brandywine, German Pink, Mortgage Lifter, yellow tomato, Celebrity, crack, disease resistance
vegetable gardening, vegetables, Louisiana, sunlight, Good Friday, pH, nutrient, soil, herbicides, organic mulches, plastic mulches, weeds, irrigation tube
Citrus trees, scales, insect scale, gray bumps, white bumps, red scales, sucking, plant juices, dormant oil, 8-8-8, 13-13-13, fertilizer, shoots, pruning.
Pine straw, mulch, Hybrid tea, prune, fertilize, climbing roses, Seven Sisters, bloom cycle, Knock Out, blooming, summer, shrub roses, Home Run, Carefree,
Soil samples, lawn grasses, flowers, vegetable gardens, shrubs, trees, pastures, wildlife flood plots, fertilizers, pH, sulfur, lime, calcium, magnesium, zinc
Arbor Day, tree, planting, January, Friday, seedling, bare rooted, ball trees, burlap trees, Trees for Louisiana Landscapes, evergreen, deciduous, Live Oak
Scale insects, circular dots, hard shelled, sooty mold, flaky material, dormant oil, Malathion, lichen, greenish gray mossy growth, nitrogen, copper fungicide
lawns, dormancy, winter weed problems, stickers, spurweed, annual bluegrass, germinating, white seed head, clover, Carolina geranium, dollar weed
gifts, outdoor lovers, gardeners, extension cords, blowers, falling leaves, gutters, rakes, yard debris, cutting tools, pruning, carts, chain saws, cultivating
Decorations, Ardisia, Christmas berry, evergreen, Pyracantha, shrub, American Holly, Yaupon, shrub roses Knock Out roses, Camellia japonica, Camellia sasanqua
Poinsettias, photo dormancy period, syrup-like sap, bract, decorating, modified leaves, sunlight, water,
leaves, chlorophylll, Chinese tallow, sweet gum, swamp red maple, sumac, crape myrtle, dogwood, bradford pear, compost pile, organic matter
Since most of us live on smaller parcels of land, consider how to incorporate fruit trees and shrubs into the landscape.
Which one should you buy?
They are caterpillars that like to feed on grass, much like armyworms.
Many of the cool season annuals can be planted in the spring of the year but the most spectacular floral displays are in the spring from fall planted annuals.
Fire ants, October, baits, insect growth regulators (IGR), corn grits, spinach, colonies, Extinguish, Extinguish Plus, Esteem, Logic, Award and Distance.
Muscadines, grape of the south, scuppernong vine, vineyard, pollination, carlos, cowart, topsail, fry, black fry, higgins, supreme, fruit, self-fruitful, bronze
strawberries, berries, Festival, Camino Real, Camarosa, San Andreas, October
September, lawn grasses, maintenance, winterizing, nitrogen, fertilizers, potassium, brown patch, fungal disease, landscaping, nutrients.
shrub roses, landscape roses, knockout, home run, carefree, lady elise may, belinda's dream, super plant,
bark, shedding, crape myrtle, drake elm, sycamore, river birch, bald cypress, chinese elms, eastern red cedar, exfoliating, chamberbitter, mimosa tree
Pears, lenticels, tomatoes, weed control, organic mulches, Heatwave II, Solar Fire, Sun Master, Solar Set, Phoenix, Florida 91, Bella Rosa, irrigation tubing
Crape myrtle, fungal leaf spot, cercospora leaf spot, sooty mold, systematic fungicide, acephate, aphids, fertilome liquid systemic fungicide ii, crape murder
Soil sample, lime, garden problems, pH issues, food plots, red headed caterpillars, may beetle, june bugs, azaleas, rose bushes, sevin, orthene, dipel, spinosad
Annual lespedeza, common lespedeza, virginia button weed, vbw, msm, broadleaf, weed, 2,4-D
Star Bright, Summer Flavor 720, Sugar Baby, watermelon
Fertilization, woody plants, trees, bulls, cow herd, calving season, breeding season, vegetable gardening, tomatoes, southern peas, okra, summer squash
Howden, Connecticut Fields, New Moon (white), Lumina (white), Sorcerer (semi-vining), Spirit, Cargo, Charisma, Magic Lantern, Darling, Autumn Gold, Neon
Blueberries, antioxidant, climax, premier, brightwell, tifblue, powderblue
For the coming opening day of dove season I would plant brown top millet.
Crowder peas, purple hull peas, black-eyed peas, cream peas, Zipper Cream, Elite, Top Pick, Queen Anne, Texas Pinkeye
squash, cucurbit, monoecious, pollination, female flowers, male flowers, squash vine borers, Goldbar, Liberator III, Enterprise, Cougar, Multipik, Patriot II
Tomato, blossom-end rot, vegetable gardens, low soil pH, calcium, blossom-end rot, bacteria wilt
gardenia, thrips, aphids, hydrangea, summer flowering plants
Breeding season for beef operations
Choosing the perfect watermelon and problems with figs
Technique for removing bats from your property.
Slugs & Snails
Growers who want to sell Halloween pumpkins need to plant about July 20 to have them in the market and ready before Halloween.
Nutrients in the soil such as phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and copper are like money in your checking account.
Learn more about bark lice which lives in cracks of trees and when should you plant your vegetables in the garden.
They're really just wasps but they are wasps with an attitude.
Oxygen levels in a pond are critical and at their lowest levels during the heat of summer.
Hunters are notorious for pushing the envelope on planting dates for food plots. They get anxious and want to plant early.
Timing of planting is always an issue and Mother Nature does not always cooperate.
Lawn Winterizing & Fall Gardening
Louisiana Irises & Poinsettias
Planting Strawberries
Tips on landscaping your yard.
This article gives you tips on keeping a green lawn all year.
Tips on planting and harvesting garlic.
Tips on fireplace safety including, firewood, chimney sweeping & Christmas trees
Tips on pecan trees.
Tips on leaf color changes and poinsettias.
Tips on citrus trees and freezing conditions
Some practical gift ideas.
Scales & Lichen.
Tips on mirlitons, satsumas, lemons, navel oranges, etc.
Red-headed azalea caterpillar & tips on sweet potatoes.
Sod webworms, chinch bugs.
Planting snap beans and tips on carpenter bees.
Information on crane flies and fire blight.
Tips on crabgrass and how to deal with quince rust.
Tips on damaged African Lilies, sago palms and fertilizing trees.
Tips on ground covers, including liriope, ornamental grasses, monkey grass.
Tips on different varieties of roses.
Pruning citrus, berry producing plants, etc.
Planting irish potatoes.
peach trees, irish potatoes, fruit trees, root rot
Crape myrtle trees, sooty mold, insect, honey dew sugary substance
fire ants, insecticides, mounds, Ortho Fire Ant Killer, Orthene 75S, Acephate 75S, Extinguish, Award, Logic, Distance, Spectracide Fire Ant Bait, bait strips
Azaleas, azalea leaf gall, vines, pruning
Nitrogen, fertilizer, Bayer Advanced Southern Weed Killer, Trimec, Fertilome Weed Free Zone, Ortho Weed-B-Gon, sticker weeds
Tips on fresh vegetables including tomatoes, bell peppers and eggplant
Information on pecan phylloxera & tips on planting field corn
Planting sweet corn and corn earworms
strawberry tips.
Tips on composting leaves
Shrub roses, also called landscape roses, are different than the traditional hybrid tea roses.
If you are seeing large brown spots in the lawn with very little grass left sod webworms are the culprit.They are caterpillars that like to feed on grass blades
I have had reports of large areas in lawns that were turning brown just prior to the flood but I did not get to see them before the flood.
In the midst of flood clean up I could see Knock Out Roses starting a new bloom cycle.
Wow! It is the only word that I can think of to describe the flooding devastation I seen. Mountains of people's possessions line the street.