Livingston Parish FCS Advisory Leadership Council

Patricia M. Arledge, Savoy, Nathalie

The responsibilities of the Livingston Parish Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Advisory Council are to represent their peers, identify needs and issues, identify opportunities for collaboration and be active in sharing their skills and knowledge to help the parish and understand Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service as a community resource.

Next Meeting Date:

Family and Consumer Sciences Advisory Leadership Council Members


Kelly Bittola DSS/OFS Community Specialist

Connie Arceneaux

LVFC Council

 Carolyn Carpenter          

LVFC Council

Jinx Berthelot

LVFC Council

Mary Broussard

Liv. Council on Aging

Mary Kinchen

LVFC Council

Sarah Lewis

LVFC Council

Nelda Graham

LVFC Council

Mary Thornhill       

LVFC Council

Gayle Miller        

LVFC Council

Pamela Nevle

LVFC Council

Jan Benton


Valerie Vincent LSU AgCenter
Donna Bencaz LVFC Member
Darwin Beechen         Director, Livingston Parish Head Start
Carolyn Braden LVFC Council
Jeanette Berkley     LVFC Council

Minutes from Meetings

Minutes from the committee meetings will be posted online and may be retrieved from the links provided below.

12/18/2006 9:18:31 PM
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