Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 5:30 pm at Lewis Vincent Elementary
Contest Description:
This contest provides the opportunity for Livingston Parish 4-H members to develop new skills and express themselves through cooking! Entries should be prepared before and brought to the contest COLD and ON ICE. Dishes will be tasted for judging. While judging is taking place, participants and family members will be able to participate in fun, hands on activities to learn about healthy living put on by our FCS agent Ms. Tramayne Richardson with the help of our Junior Leaders. Parish winners will be invited to compete at the District Cookery Contest in May. If you have any questions please contact your 4-H leader or the 4-H office (225-686-3020).
Good Luck!
Care should be taken that added ingredients and preparation methods do not contribute excessive amounts of fat and sodium. Consider the nutritional aspects of all the ingredients in your recipe. Explain in your recipe any changes you make in your ingredients of preparation methods to modify fat or sodium.
Make lower fat food or ingredient choices. For example, you might:
Food safety is an important consideration. The risk of food-borne illness greatly increases when foods are held at room temperature for extended periods. Therefore, the dish should be prepared and chilled in the refrigerator temperature and transported on ice in an ice chest to the contest. Dishes Not Chilled and Transported In This Way Will Be Disqualified By Contest Officials. Entries that need to be heated to taste their best will be heated at the time of judging.
Be sure your recipe is written correctly. The recipe should include the following parts:
A bento lunch is a compact, balanced, visually appealing meal packed in a box. "Bento" is Japanese for packed lunch or meal.
There will be no area or state competition for the “Just for Fun” categories.