Mint can be used in a variety of drinks, salads, dips, and desserts. It is easy to grow, multiplies and lasts forever. It adds a refreshing taste to recipes.
Take some time to properly mow and water your lawn to keep it healthy and looking good during the summer months.
Fall is a busy time to collect end of season seeds, add mulch to flower beds and prepare plants for the winter months ahead.
Use what you have to make your own compost pile, such as leaves, sticks, grass clippings, fruit waste and vegetable peelings.
Native plants provide sources of pollen and nectar for insects and help our ecosystem. Plant natives in your garden and enjoy watching the bees and butterflies.
Don't wait until you see stickers in your yard to start doing anything about it. Now is the time to treat them before they start coming up.
Decide what vegetable plants you will be planting this spring and preparing the beds. Try several different varieties of plants to ensure good production.
Herbs can be planted in your garden to be used in a variety of home remedies, as well as adding to recipes. Many have been around for a very long time.
The Master Gardener Program is an educational and volunteer service that trains volunteers on horticulture topics.
Plants that are suitable to a specific climate makes a difference. A heat zone map will ensure your plants are suitable to the area before planting.
The best time to fertilize your spring lawn is after you have mowed 3-4 times to give the grass a chance to actively grow and late winter weeds are dying off.
Be sure and have your soil tested to guarantee the proper plant growth according to the recommended test results.
Do the environment and your yard a favor by starting a compose pile by using fallen leaves. This will improve your yard by adding valuable nutrients back into the soil.
Each plant pruned must be considered individually and done during dormancy. Pruning is necessary to maintain a tree's shape and stimulates new growth.
Getting rid of fire ants isn't as easy as one might think, but there are some things you can do to control them.
As summertime comes to an end, leave your yard and plants a little messy to encourage wildlife to have shelter, food, and nesting places.
Get your garden ready to plant for spring by cleaning plant beds and transplanting bulbs. Prime your fall garden for broccoli, cabbage and carrots and others.
Growing your own herbs is better quality and convenience. You will have fresh herbs at hand when you need them for cooking and some herbs reseed each year.
Watching bumblebees is entertaining and provides a valuable service by pollinating our plants. Planting flowers is a way to improve the bumblebee survival.
Make extra dollars using items out of your own garden to sell at festivals or markets in the fall.
Knowing how to mow your lawn and proper watering will maintain a healthier and prettier yard.
It is time to begin thinking about planning for your fall garden since most of the spring gardens have stopped producing quality vegetables.
Soil preparation is the key to a successful garden and now is the time to begin preparing your garden plot.
Now is the time to begin thinking about spring gardening. Preparing your garden spot now with a soil sample can ensure you have a good crop and healthy plants.
A garden salad can be produced from the seeds of lettuce, radishes, spinach and carrots in just 45 days.
Using the proper fertilizers on your lawn for the winter is important for a healthier lawn in the spring and summer.
Keeping your lawn healthy and looking good depends on the way it is mowed and the proper way of watering. There are different ways of treating each kind of grass that is planted in your yard to ensure a pretty and healthy lawn.
Gardeners need to get ready for the invasion of graveyard grasshoppers to their lawns and gardens. These grasshoppers are hard to kill and can destroy plants and crops.
With warmer weather, many are starting to think about how they will prepare their gardens and what to plant. Planting your own garden will produce healthy crops as well as being enjoyable to work with.
Planting your own food garden is rewarding, as well as health benefits. This is a way to relieve stress and be able to actually grow your own garden foods.
Information on proper times to fertilize lawns and how to prevent weeds from growing in your yard.
Information on how to prune fruits trees, importance of correct pruning, and important tips on pruning will assure your trees will provide more fruit. Pruning during the right time of the year can also ensure you will have fruit and the tree limbs will have time to heal and provide bigger and better fruit.
Testing soil now will give adequate time to prepare gardens for spring planting.
Information on proper time to plant bulbs, as well as the proper location for planting, and the type of soil needed to produce a successful garden of flowers.
Mums are an option for fall gardening that do well in cooler temperatures. They can be used for landscaping your yard or decorating the patio, porch or walkway. They can be trimmed back in mid to later winter and you will have more blooms in the spring.
Information about a unique seminar coming up and hosted by the North Central Region Louisiana Master Gardener Program. Door prizes, refreshments, and a silent auction will be part of the event.
Find out what your lawn needs for winter before applying any fertilizer.
How to start a raised bed garden for growing vegetables.
Learn why it's time now to start preparing your garden for spring planting and how to get started.
Lately, I’ve been getting one of those questions that are very easy to answer but extremely difficult to deal with. That is “What is the best way to control fire ants?” The answer is, “There isn’t any one best way to control fire ants.” Easy answer but that answer of course makes the person ask more questions. So, I thought this would be a good time to write about controlling those pesky little fire ants.
Home grown vegetables have always had an appeal, but as the economy slows home vegetable gardening in picking up in popularity. I have even been receiving more calls than average for this time of the year from people that have never grown a garden asking questions about how to get started. Planning a new garden has many considerations such as where to place the garden and what to plant. The working part involves preparing the soil, fertilizing, planting, mulching and, harvesting.
During July and August in Louisiana our lawns suffer from heat and drought stress in most cases. Many people may welcome the dry climate because it may reduce the need for mowing the lawn. Many homeowners may not like the look of a drought stressed lawn and begin to water their lawn. Proper irrigation is one of the most challenging aspects of lawn management. Proper irrigation practices have taken on even more significance in recent years with the increased importance of water conservation.
Get answers to your questions about lawn care here so you can have a healthier, prettier lawn.
How to grow vegetables in raised beds.
Information about controlling sticker weed in lawns. Start now!
Here's an idea for a crop to grow and a place to sell it.
Many people think that they must wait until spring arrives before planting shrubs and trees. This is true for some areas where winters are intense. With most landscape materials sold in containers, planting can be done throughout the year in Louisiana if adequate moisture is supplied.
Ideas for making extra income from pumpkins this fall.
The tomato is one of the most popular vegetables grown in the home garden. They require little space when staked and tied and are capable of producing five or more pounds of usable fruit per plant. The tomato is relatively low in calories and is a good source of vitamins C and A. There are many pest problems associated with growing tomatoes which perhaps have caused many of the calls to the Extension office in recent days.
Information about when to fertilize lawns and how to handle lawn weeds now.
Flowering trees add color and beauty to our landscapes in late winter and early spring. These great trees add flower color at a time when many of us think we have to wait for spring. Most of these trees also are low-maintenance and reliable for long-term performance.
Information about establishing and maintaining a centipede grass lawn.
Seems more and more lately I have people talking about the deer near their homes. Several years ago they would mention how beautiful it was to wake up and look out into their backyards and see the deer walking through. But for some time now it’s more of a complaint about the damage these animals do to ornamental and garden plants.