This 6-series program provides you with the tools necessary to help meet your health goals.
It is always best to eat well-balanced meals, but for those on-the-go people, a so-called energy bar may be a good alternative to other snack choices. But how do you choose a good one?
All of us have recipes that have been passed down through our families. Some of the directions for those recipes may be inconsistent with what we now know about food safety. Give yours a food safety update.
Menopause is now a hot health topic, due to the Women's Health Initiative study. Many women are discontinuing the use of hormones and are looking for other ways to manage the symptoms of menopause.
Eating when traveling can challenge your waistline and your good nutrition sense. The desire for food should come from your stomach, not your head. Remember to exercise as well.
How to plan and shop for meals based on menus using a combination of staple foods in your pantry and fresh food.
Is it possible to age more slowly? The less physically active people become as they advance in years, the faster their bodies give out on them.