The Lafourche Parish Rabbit Show will be held on Saturday, January 18th at the Agriculture Building in Raceland.
Show off your 4-H Exhibition Poultry on Saturday, December 14th in Raceland.
Interested in raising broiler chickens as a project for 4-H to show in our parish, district or state livestock shows? If so, order now!
The Regional Rabbit Show will be held at the Ag Building in Raceland on Saturday, November 16th.
See what's happening in livestock for the 2024-25 school year.
Deadlines and instructions for adding animals in 4HOnline.
If you are showing market or commercial animals please contact the 4-H office for validation kits.
LA provides an exemption from state sales taxes on feed, feed additives, seeds, plants, etc.
It's time to order State Fair of Louisiana broilers! Broilers for this show must be checked in by October 31, 2024.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture