Just a reminder of the upcoming Sugar and Seafood Contest to be held on Nov. 4, 2023, at Galliano Elementary School. Registration will be between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. Judging will begin promptly at 10 a.m. and should be concluded by noon with awards to follow. No dishes may be removed until the conclusion of the awards.
Your dishes can be brought to the contest by another person. Elementary, Middle and Senior High school members will compete separately for purple, blue and red ribbons. Overall Champion dishes will receive trophies. Members may enter one seafood dish and/or one sugar dish.
Categories for Seafood are Oyster, Crab, Shrimp, Fish/Other Seafood and Crawfish. Sugar categories are Cakes (homemade or mixes), Candies, Cookies, Pies and Other Sugar Dish.
No dish will be required for this contest. There will be three divisions in this contest:
Division I – (Grades 4-6) Contestant designs (a) standard poster 22” x 28” relating to Sugar and/or Seafood, (b) presents a 3-5 minute explanation of poster subject (c) responds to questions from judges.
Division II – (Grades 7-9) The contestant will present a 5-8 minute oral presentation relating to one of the five categories (1) production, (2) food preparation and nutritive value (3) food safety, (4) processing, or (5) marketing about sugar and/or seafood. Posters or PowerPoint presentations may be used. Costume based on theme are acceptable.
Division III – (Grades 10-12) Contestant will present an 8-10 minute oral presentation on sugar and/or seafood. It can be a specific idea or an overview. Examples include Nutritional Value, Economic Value, Cooking Principles, Versatility, Food Safety, Role in Today’s Healthy Diet, Sugar and/or Seafood’s Place in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Role in our National Economy, Role in Protecting the Environment.
Posters or PowerPoint presentations may be used. Costume based on theme are acceptable.