Swimming, canoeing, archery, volleyball, basketball, softball, kickball, ping pong, parachute games, line dancing, arts, crafts and more...
Camping is one of the most valuable experiences a child can have. This summer nearly one hundred and fifty 4-H members, high school counselors, adult volunteers along with 4-H professionals attended camp from Lafayette Parish. It was a a learning experience that helps boys and girls appreciate the outdoors, live together as a group, get along with others and appreciate people with different interests and backgrounds. During camp campers participated in a variety of events and competed for awards throughout the week.
Many fourth, fifth and sixth grade boys and girls participate in 4-H Camp Grant Walker. The camp is held at the LSU AgCenter’s Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center, an 100-acre campsite near Pollock, Louisiana., on Highway 8 about 15 miles northeast of Alexandria, La.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture