About the LSU AgCenter
The LSU AgCenter provides innovative research, information, and education to improve people’s lives. Working in a statewide network of parish extension offices, research stations and academic departments, the LSU AgCenter helps Louisiana citizens make the best use of natural resources, protect the environment, enhance agricultural enterprises, and develop human and community resources.
Program Highlights
Nutrition and Community Health
The Expanded Foods and Nutrition Education Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and Flavors of Health programs address nutrition and health. Lessons are taught in schools, camps, head start facilities, Senior centers, libraries, and faith-based venues. Adults and youth representing many economic and cultural backgrounds benefit from lessons relating to portion sizes, food labels, food safety, dietary guidelines, physical exercise, healthy choices, and controlling and preventing chronic diseases.
Youth Development (4-H and EFNEP)
Three of Jefferson Parish’s highlighted topics offered to youth included Health and Nutrition, and Environmental Education. These lessons were presented in series form and hands on learning field trips. 1,173 youth participated in the health and nutrition component while 1,509 youth participated in the environmental component, and 250 grew gardens at school.
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Public interest continues in growing and teaching others to grow fresh produce which has resulted in a continuous demand for programs on home vegetable gardening, home fruit production, pollinator gardening, school gardening, and community vegetable gardening. Collaborations are built and leadership given to the development of wildflower gardens and walking paths. Presently there are 266 trained Master Gardeners who provided a total of 22,128 volunteer hours educating the public in areas relating to horticulture through projects including demonstration gardens at both LaSalle and Miley Playgrounds, pollination gardens, gardening seminars, and school gardens, workshops with town and parish departments relating to tree care. Our horticulturist continues to offer programs and resources to Jefferson residents, business owners, and community leaders to increase knowledge while demonstrating best practice horticultural techniques.
Nutrition & Community Health
- Parents Preparing for Success
- Family Resource Management
- FNP-Family Nutrition Program
- Nutrition and Health
4-H & Youth Development
- School and Community Groups
- Summer Camps
- Library Programs
- Field Trips
Agriculture & Natural Resources
- Environment/Watersheds
- Horticulture/Lawn and Garden
- Pest Management
Fisheries & Coastal Issues
- Direct Marketing/Quality Control of Regional
Fisheries Products
- Fishery Bycatch
- Off-Bottom Polyploid Oyster Production
- Coastal Recreational Shell fishing
- Bucktown Marina Development Com.
- Commercial Fishing: Alternative Oyster Culture
Anchoring System
- Bivalve Market: Commercial Clam Project
Whom we reach:
12,024 youth & 197,968 adults educated virtually and face to face
How we reach them:
After-school programs, classroom clubs, series lessons,
school enrichment, field days, demonstration gardens, workshops, lectures,
publications, newsletters, website, and social media
Expanding our efforts:
792 volunteers from 4-H, EFNEP, Master Gardeners, Nutrition
and Community Health
Parish Facts:
LSU AgCenter county agents provide research-based information on plant, aquaculture, wildlife, and animal enterprises to Jefferson Parish residents. The total dollar amount from these commodities were: Animal enterprises, $872,073; aquaculture and wildlife, $26,277,069; plant enterprises, $32,012,802.
Land area — 300.9 square miles; Population —425,884; Population under 18 years old — 21.9%; Population 65 years old and over — 19.1%; Median household income — $63,257; Persons below poverty — 15%
Local issues and plans for this year:
Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Need
for simple gardening programs with instructions for use in schools, parks,
and retirement communities
- Information on growing fruits and vegetables in
school and home gardens
- Address
direct marketing of fishery products
- Identify
and research alternative bycatch fishery products
Collaborate with Commercial
Fishing industry: Alternative Oyster Culture Anchoring System
Nutrition and Community Health
- Address
barriers to healthy eating for residents in Jefferson parish relating to
accessibility and affordability to healthy foods; lack of knowledge of
identifying healthy food and drink; and introducing healthy meals that are
quick and easy to prepare.
Youth Development
- Address Healthy Living
- Address Adulting and Life Skills
- Provide printed information in the native
language of our youth
How is extension funded?
- Federal funding from the USDA/NIFA
- State general funds from the Louisiana Legislature
- Local support from parish government, including police juries and school boards
- Self-generated funds
What role do we play?
Our stakeholders at the parish level are the local supporters and beneficiaries of the LSU AgCenter cooperative extension programs. Their support keeps these critical programs in their communities.
Each parish offers programming in:
- 4-H and Youth Development
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Family and Consumer Sciences