Iberville Parish Profile

You can access a PDF version of the Parish Profile below.

Family & Consumer Sciences

With the high rates of foreclosure on home loans many banks and mortgage companies now require individuals seeking a home loan to attend a First Time Buyer program. The Family Resource Development agent conducted a series of 4 sessions (12 hours total) for 42 Participants. Topics covered in the sessions included: Navigating Your Way to a New Home, Staying on course with Your Family Financial Management, Sailing Through the Mortgage Process and Keeping a Safe Harbor: Maintaining and Protecting Your Home. Following the course, 42 certificates were issued to participants who earned 12 hours of education credit to qualify for rural development home loans.

4-H Youth Development

Childhood obesity is at epidemic proportions, Education is needed to reduce the alarming rate of young children who make poor food choices and have limited exercise. 4-H agents conducted a series of educational programs at 4-H club meetings throughout Iberville parish. These programs included Portion Sizing, Heather Alternatives and Physical Activities for Life, The Food Guide Pyramid Apple Lips, Smoothie for a Healthier Life and Making Trail mix with whole grains. Based on observations of teachers, 65% of the 4-H youth participating in the program did limit their consumption of un-healthy snacks and participated in exercise while at school.

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Iberville producers raised a multitude of crops including as soybeans, corn, cotton wheat and sugarcane. Sugarcane which is being grown throughout the parish near several populated areas, remains the larges crop in both income and acreage. The growers along with the LSU AgCenter extension agents and specialist are meeting the challenges presented to farmers concerning the burning of sugarcane. Prescribed burning classes were held at the St. Gabriel Research Station to assist farmers in making decisions of when to burn. One hundred per cent of all Iberville farmers participated in the classes and have become proactive when considering the population surrounding the farms. As a result of farmer participation, complains have declined and the LDAF reports that in 2008-09 zero reports were received.

Who we reach:

1300 Youth
· 600 4-H members at 11 school 4-H clubs
· 700 Cloverbuds at 6 Headstart and 2 lower elementary schools

3699 Adults
· 1,223 Ag & Natural Resources
· 2,476 Family & Consumer Sciences

How we reach them:

4-H Clubs
Class Series
School Enrichment
Field Days
Web Sites
Social Media

Expanding our efforts:

123 Volunteers— 4-H, Master Gardeners, Family & Community Development

Parish Facts

LSU AgCenter County Agents provide research-based information on plant, aquaculture, wildlife and animal enterprises to Iberville Parish clientele. The 2008 total dollar amount from these commodities were:

—Plant enterprises - $103,360,599

—Aquaculture and wildlife - $3,006,607

—Animal enterprises - $9,694,655

Data taken from the Louisiana AgSummary website: LSUAgCenter.com/agsummary

Population - 22,401
Land area (square miles) - 557.34
Persons under 18 years old - 24%
Persons 65 years old and over - 14.7%
Median household income - $38,131
Persons below poverty - 17.7%
Data taken from the US Census Bureau

Local Issues & Plans for this year:

1. Increase productivity and profitability of Louisiana Agriculture

  • Conduct Sugarcane Field Day
  • Conduct Master Gardener, Farmer, Cattlemen, and Horsemen classes
  • Use graduates of classes to provide community service and service learning for homeowners on farm training in environmental issues and 4-H activities
  • Write news column, produce web page content, and conduct seminars on agriculture practices
  • Conduct variety trials in corn, soybeans and wheat
  • Conduct farm and home visits to provide educational information on problem-solving
  • Promote agriculture to general public
  • Conduct environmental training thru Farm Forum
  • Conduct Prescribe Burn School for sugarcane producers

2. Promote the wise use of natural resources and protection of the environment

  • Teach 4-H members and Cloverbuds about agriculture and how it relates to our environment
  • Increase going green awareness and energy conservation for a healthier environment
  • Promote wise use of natural resources
  • Conduct Jr. Master Gardener classes
  • Work with NRCS to promote conservation programs and conservation tillage programs
  • Conduct pesticide certification & WPS at Farm Forum and Iberville Sugarcane Growers meeting
  • Promote wise use of BMP’s through horticulture and agronomic programs

3. Build leaders and good citizens through 4-H Youth Development

  • Develop and implement parish-wide service learning projects addressing community issues through teen 4-H community service work
  • Expand Cloverbud program throughout Iberville Parish

4. Strengthen families and communities

  • Conduct training on feeding families nutritionally on a budget
  • Design and present programs on disaster preparedness and grab-and-go backpacks for children
  • Conduct First Time Homebuyer Programs
  • Conduct Child Care Provider Programs
  • Present Workplace Ethics classes to teens and adults
  • Expand Gumbo Net Newsletter, educating parents on personal finance and parenting skills

*Local Funding

Iberville Parish School Board
Iberville Parish Government

Iberville Parish Extension Office
23640 Peters Street
Plaquemine, LA 70764

Phone: (225) 687-5155
Fax: (225) 687-5245
Email: Iberville@agcenter.lsu.edu
Web site:
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Miles Brashier, Parish Chair

Susan Simoneaux, Administrative Coordinator


4-H Youth Development

Ag & Natural Resources
Animal Production
Beef Cattle
Horticulture/Lawns and Gardens
Masters Gardeners
Master Farmers
Master Cattlemen
Pest Management

Family & Consumer Sciences
Parents Preparing for Success
Family Resource Management
Family Nutrition Program
Nutrition and Health
Parenting and Family Development
Work Force Development
Leadership & Volunteer Development

12/22/2009 2:55:29 AM
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