The LSU AgCenter is dedicated to providing innovative research, information, and education to improve people’s lives. Working in a statewide network of parish extension offices, research stations and academic departments, the LSU AgCenter helps Louisiana citizens make the best use of natural resources, protect the environment, enhance agricultural enterprises, and develop human and community resources.
Louisiana residents face an abundance of barriers that prevent living healthy lives. Offering resources for these challenges to Iberville Parish residents remains our priority. To address these concerns, a comprehensive nutritional education and physical activity program is provided. The objectives of these nutrition programs are to have adults and youth increase their knowledge of budget-friendly healthy food choices, to become aware of the benefits of increased physical activity, and to promote healthy lifestyle habits for all.
The Iberville Parish 4-H Youth Development program strives to create innovative programs which play a key role in implementing positive development in Iberville Parish youth. The 2023-2024 school program focus for grades 4-12 is “IMAGINEering Your Future” through which youth will gain knowledge of money management, problem solving, career readiness, and entrepreneurship. In addition, youth will be offered ample opportunities such as participating through Junior Leaders and H.Y.P.E. initiatives, 4-H University, 4-H summer camp, livestock shows, shooting sports, workshops, and various other activities.
Iberville Parish is located just west of the Mississippi River in the industrial core of the state. The parish maintains a very vibrant agriculture presence with two major row crops including both soybeans and sugarcane, which span approximately 37,000 acres. Iberville is also known for its livestock and forage production with approximately 4,500 acres of hay production and 6,500 cattle across the parish. The LSU AgCenter specialists and researchers provide information to assist producers with decisions that impact their daily production practices. This information is presented to them through an annual Iberville Sugarcane Production Meeting and local farm visits conducted by County Agents.
4-H Clubs, H.Y.P.E. clubs, school enrichment, field days, publications, newsletters, class series, coalitions, website, social media and workshops
150 volunteers from 4-H, Master Gardeners, and family and community efforts
LSU AgCenter county agents provide research-based information on plant, aquaculture, wildlife, and animal enterprises to Iberville Parish residents. The total dollar amount from these commodities were: Animal enterprises, $5,315,689; aquaculture and wildlife, $3,860,962; plant enterprises, $66,553,910.
Land area — 618.72 square miles; Population —29,506; Population under 18 years old — 19.9%; Population 65 years old and over — 17.0%; Median household income — $52,994; Persons below poverty — 22.5%
Our stakeholders at the parish level are the local supporters and beneficiaries of the LSU AgCenter cooperative extension programs. Their support keeps these critical programs in their communities.
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