Electricity Workshop

Rodney Johnson, Allen, Ophelia L., Cormier, Danielle

4-H Agent, Ophelia Allen, is on hand to assist at the 4-H Electricity Workshop.

Danielle Cormier, 4-H Agent, supervises 4-H youth at the Electricity Workshop.

4-H'ers attend the Electricity Workshop held at the Grant Parish Extension Office.

4-H participant looks over materials needed to contruct her lamp.

4-H'er stands outside the Grant Parish Extension Office displaying the lamp he made at the 4-H Electricty Workshop.

4-H'er displays finished lamp.

4-H Agents Johnson and Cormier help participants with lamp contruction.

The Grant Parish Extension Office held an 4-H Electricity Workshop on January 5, 2012. Grant Parish 4-Her’s each made a lamp of their own and learned about electricity basics and safety when handling electricity.

Agent Rodney Johnson from Rapides Parish 4-H graciously gave of his time in working with Grant Parish youth. 4-Her’s from all over the parish attended the workshop. Mr. Darrell Talberg, 4-H parent and volunteer assisted Mr. Rodney with the workshop. Grant Parish 4-H Agent Ophelia Allen helped to coordinate the event organized by Grant Extension Associate Danielle Cormier.

1/25/2012 10:30:00 PM
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