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Information about the Feliciana Master Gardener Class.
A pre-emergence herbicide application can save you time, money and effort by killing the weed shortly after the seeds germinate.
Black flies, or buffalo gnats, are a major nusiance in the Feliciana parishes in spring.
The recent artic blast was hard on citrus trees. Here is what you should do now.
A newsletter for horticulturists. Numbers on the fertilizer bag, Serena Angelonia, and watering plants.
Controling rodents around your home and brassica pests.
Brassicas are easy to grow but are susceptible to some insect pests.
Sod webworms are out in epic porportions.
Shallots are easy to grow and taste wonderful in holiday dishes. Plant them soon if you want a crop by Thanksgiving.
Blossom end rot and buckeye rot are common problems with tomatoes.
Have horse flies been driving you nuts? Using repellants will give you some relief.
A newsletter for horticulturists. Growing beans in the fall, chamberbitter control, utilizing a rain gauge, and controlling cool season weeds.
The Florida Parishes produce an abundance of spring wildflowers.
Have you noticed toothpick like growths sticking out of your tree?
A newsletter for horticulturists. Industrial hemp and pruning azaleas.
Banana shrubs have a lovely fragrance but tend to look shabby in the spring.
Cucuzza is a unique gourd to add to your vegetable garden. They are edible and are popular in Italian cooking.
A newsletter for horticulturists. Planting for fall color, green onions, and buttonbush.
November through February is the best time to plant trees. Planting now will deliver spectacular fall color next year.
Finding plants that provide color in shady areas can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are some lovely options.
A newsletter for horticulturists. Fig problems, starting seeds, and ornamental peppers.
Spiny pigweed is one of the worst weeds home gardeners deal with.
A newsletter for horticulturists. Cool spring delays plant growth, blossom end rot, and fertilizing lawns.
Deer can be a nuisance to gardeners in certain parts of Louisiana. Here are some practical tips to help you lessen deer damage in your landscape.
A newsletter for horticulturists.Plant sweet peas now, cool season vegetable issues, mulch, and houseplants.
A newsletter for horticulturists. Plan fall gardens now, planting trees and shrubs, Camelot Foxglove
The orange dog caterpillar may look ugly now, but in a few short weeks it will turn into a beautiful butterfly.
Zinnias thrive in hot weather. A late summer planting will provide color throughout the fall.
Following good cultural practices and scouting for insects and disease will allow homeowners to enjoy pecans year after year.
Start planning for fall vegetable and flower gardens now and you will save time and money when its time to buy plants.
Mayhaw trees are native to Louisiana and do well in this area.
Crape Myrtle's vibrant flowers, long blooming season, disease and pest resistance, and relatively small size make them an excellent tree to add to your yard.
Growing citrus in the Feliciana parishes can be tricky. Be sure to choose cold hearty varieties.
Spring gardening tips for homeowners