Parish Events

East Feliciana

Spring Culinary Arts Contest

Contest is scheduled Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Dish drop off 10am

Contest Day Procedures

A station will be set up to inspect all ice chests for ice and to make sure all dishes are cold. After inspection 4-H members are to go to the registration tables in the hall to register their dish/dishes.

Contest Rules

All rules will be strictly enforced. If you have a question, call the 4-H Office before preparing a dish.

  1. The contestant must be a 4-H member, all division are open to any age.
  2. All dishes must be prepared following all food safety guidelines from the USDA and can be found at
  3. A contestant may enter as many dishes as they wish but can only enter one dish per division.
  4. Winning recipes may not be repeated in subsequent years by the same contestant.
  5. Contestants may only use one recipe/category. A. Example: A contestant may not enter a jambalaya recipe in poultry and again in rice.
  6. The food should be exhibited in a normal-sized container.
    1. Items not directly related to the dish are NOT allowed (placemats, flower arrangements, trays etc.).
    2. Traditional garnishes are allowed.
  7. There are to be NO raw eggs in the final product.
  8. Entries must meet all division requirements.
  9. Recipes must accompany the dishes.
    1. . 4-H’er must set up their dish for judging by themselves.
  10. . Recipes will be scored according to the Recipe Evaluation below.

Recipe Format:

Be sure your recipe is written correctly. The recipe should include the following parts:

  1. Name of the recipe (Please do not put your name).
  2. Ingredients listed in order used in instructions
  3. Clear instructions for combining ingredients
  4. NO abbreviations used for ingredient measures
  5. Size of pan stated
  6. Temperature and cooking time state
  7. Number of servings given
  8. Dish meets contest and division requirements.


4-H’ers must prepare a dish which contains a minimum of two pounds of bone-in-meat, one pound of deboned meat, or 12 ounces of processed poultry. Contestants MUST identify the meat product used in the recipe. The divisions are:

  1. Chicken

  2. Turkey


4-H’ers must prepare a dish which contains a minimum of one cup of seafood. Seafood must be listed on the Louisiana Seafood List (a copy can be obtained from the 4-H Office.) Seafood must be fresh, frozen, pasteurized, or dried. Surimi, an artificial crab made from fish can NOT be used. NO RAW SEAFOOD will be allowed in the final product. You can have a second type of seafood but not more than 1/2 the amount of the primary seafood. The divisions are:

  1. Crab

  2. Crawfish

  3. Shrimp

  4. Other Louisiana Seafood


4-H’ers must prepare a dish which contains a minimum of four eggs. (4 egg whites, 4 yolks, or 4 whole eggs.) NO RAW EGGS will be allowed in the final product. The divisions are:

1. Appetizer/Side Dish

2. Main Dish/Salad

3. Dessert

4-H Fishing Day

Join us for a fun relaxing Saturday, April 29th 7:30am-Noon at the Idlewild Lake for fishing.

Feel free to bring your own tackle and baits, but we will also have extras.

Lunch will be provided.

Parent/Guardian must accompany member. This is open for all 4-H'ers grades K-12th.

You may find registration forms on our website and turn them in to Ms. Kayla by

Monday, April 3, 2023.

These forms are also being sent home with all 4-H'ers at the March meetings.

2023 Fishing Registration Form

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