Each summer in Louisiana, so-called yard specialists claiming to be arborists, landscape horticulturists and landscape irrigation contractors begin making the rounds in local neighborhoods with bargain basement offers for yard work. Many have little or no training. Often their handiwork can produce less than desirable outcomes and downright disasters.
The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry’s (LDAF) Horticulture and Quarantine Programs Division oversees the licensing of landscape horticulturists, arborists and landscape irrigation contractors. All arborists, landscape horticulturists and landscape irrigation contractors must be licensed by the LDAF.
Every year, fly-by-night operators prey on unsuspecting homeowners who are looking for a quick and inexpensive fix for their dead and damaged trees and help in their landscapes. Call LDAF at 225-952-8100 if you have any questions about whether a landscape horticulturist, landscape irrigation contractor or arborist is properly licensed. Homeowners may also check their website at www.ldaf.la.gov for a list of licensed horticulture professionals. The link to the list may be accessed in the “I Want To” box in the right hand column of LDAF’s homepage under “Find a Licensed Horticulture Professional.”
7/18/2011 10:18:30 PM
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