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Ag Career Day offers 4-H'ers grades 8-12 an opportunity to learn about potential agricultural related careers from university, research and extension leaders.
The forest products industry contributes to each parish economy in several ways, including jobs, wages and purchases in the local economies.
Join EBRP in welcoming Nicholas Uzee our new 4-H Agent.
(05/27/22) BATON ROUGE, La. — The East Baton Rouge 4-H Junior Leader Club has proven that doing good work in the community can be done despite the pandemic.
Join us in welcoming Dr. Dewanna Bandy Drewery our new Assistant Extension Agent for the EFNEP.
One approach to lowering bouts of anxiety and depression, improving mood, and gaining an abundance of health benefits is by adding physical activity.
The Bees are back and buzzing to see you! Stop by to suit up and dive into hive exploration with a professional Bee Keeper.
EBRP has all the info on the 2021 State Fair Quiz Bowl and Talent Contest.
EBRP has kicked off our 2021-2022 4-H membership drive in a new way.....All Online!
Congratulations you're a new 4-H Leaders. EBRP 4-H has helpful resources to ensure your success in this role.
Coming September 2021, our new online enrollment and program management system for Louisiana 4-H.
The Louisiana 4-H School Enrichment Program's mission is to provide research-based experiential learning opportunities.
The 4-H Emblem is the national symbol of Cooperative Extension’s 4-H program supported by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The surge of the COVID-19 Delta variant makes indoor air quality more important than ever. The brochure offers info, not specific to COVID but still relevant.
(05/25/21) BATON ROUGE, La. — The LSU AgCenter and Louisiana 4-H announce that Todd Tarifa has been named department head for 4-H youth development.
2021 4-H U will offer a limited but diverse slate of contests conducted in formats of virtual, face-to-face, or virtual/face-to-face.
EBRP welcomes our new Area Nutrition Agent Tramayne Richardson. She studied dietetics at SU A&M College graduating as Student Marshall of the College of FCS.
Louisiana Department of Health launched the “Bring Back Louisiana” grassroot campaign and we're sharing info on the 'what and why' of Covid-19 vaccines.
The LSU AgCenter and SU Ag Center are partnering with the Department of Health to share Covid 19 materials.
Ascension 4-H will be hosting a Summer Day Camp at Lamar Dixon Expo Center for 4th-6th grade 4-Her's from Ascension, St. James, EBR, and St. Charles.
(03/16/21) A group of Louisiana 4-H members have joined students from other states to answer a simple — but important — question: Where’s the food?
Get to know your 4-H Agent and join in the many fun activities and events EBRP 4-H has to offer.
Attention seniors start your applications now for the EBR 4-H, State 4-H, and Scott Foundation Scholarships. The deadline to apply is February 22, 2021.
EBRP welcomes Brittany Husser our new 4-H Agent to the team.
Get Connected to Services You Need by Attending This Virtual 6-Week Class Series
Contact Family Road of Greater Baton Rouge to Schedule Your Free Pregnancy Test
Please join in this online only 5-part educational series on Type 2 Diabetes hosted by the West Feliciana LSU AgCenter in collaboration with the Daniel Clinic.
COVID-19 Pandemic Free Help for Families Flyer.
When you do not have enough money to cover your family’s basic living expenses and pay all your creditors, you face some difficult financial decisions.
Healthy Communities Bike Safety Partnership: Let's Ride in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. Youth are learning biking skills to ride safely in their neighborhoods.
Some orchids are highly fragrant with delicious odors, while others have extremely obnoxious odors.
Whether you prefer them fresh, pickled, in salads or on a sandwich, cucumbers are a great addition to any backyard vegetable garden.
Hydrangeas are known for their extraordinary blooms and ‘Limelight’ produces a bright lime-green to white inflorescence that is sure to impress.
Seniors in Jefferson Parish enjoy the Healthy eating series presented by Karen Marie the Salubrious RD. They have made positive dietary and exercise changes.
Many weeds in the landscape can cause a gardener to gripe.
It's a very unique and interesting way to grow fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers.
Blackberries are by far one of the easiest fruit crops to grow in south Louisiana.
Virginia buttonweed (Diodia virginiana) the number one weed problem in Southern turfgrass.
There is nothing more frustrating for a home gardeners than to see the fruits of their labors lost to diseases and pests.
Late April to early May is a great time to lift or dig these spring-flowering bulbs from the garden where possible.
A short description of commonly grown herbs for home gardens. Herbs included: anise, basil, borage, caraway, cherval, coriander, fennel, marjoram, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory, sesame, tarragon, thyme.
Soil is one of the most important factors to manage when growing fruits, vegetables, turf or ornamentals.
LSU has played a critical role in the breeding and development of many cultivars that you can find at nurseries and garden centers.
Vegetables are typically divided into two categories based on how we plant them into the garden.
Potted plants do not mind being brought in and out as the weather dictates.
Keeping these leaves will help save on mulch, compost, landfill space and fertilizers. It’s almost as if money actually does grow on trees.
Improper crape myrtle pruning occurs when unnecessary "topping" of the trees is done to reduce the height.
October could be argued as the most critical month for lawn maintenance.
October's one of the greatest months of the year to get out into the vegetable garden and get some possibly long-needed maintenance accomplished.
In recent years, the idea of planting native plants has swept through the gardening world.
Many of these underground organs can be difficult to distinguish from each other. So let’s shed some light on this underground world.
We can get a head start in the garden now by planting these vegetable seeds for transplants.
The hydrangea’s reliably charming and large flowers make it one of our beloved summer-flowering shrubs of Southern garden.
Ligularia is an excellent addition to any gardener’s shade garden. Consider incorporating ligularia as a great, course-textured addition.
In Louisiana, May is one of the most important months for vegetable gardening as well as the most hectic.
Herbicides help us perform task in our landscape.
The SunPatiens is moving into uncharted territories, places where no impatiens has gone before – full sun.
Mowing your lawn at the correct height is one of the best management strategies that you can implement in your lawn maintenance routine.
Virginia willow, also called Virginia sweetspire and known botanically as Itea virginica, is one of our more popular native shrubs in Louisiana.
March is here, and now is the time to get our spring vegetable garden beds prepared and planted.
The sapsucker will typically drill horizontally parallel rows of holes in the trunks or branches of trees.
Try substituting crape myrtles with a vitex or a larger growing bottle brush.
This article will give you more information on Carolina Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens).
Winter is one of the best times to add Cool Season Annuals to your landscape.