Catahoula Parish Profile

About the LSU AgCenter

The LSU AgCenter is dedicated to providing innovative research, information and education to improve people’s lives. Working in a statewide network of parish extension offices, research stations and academic departments, the LSU AgCenter helps Louisiana citizens make the best use of natural resources, protect the environment, enhance agricultural enterprises, and develop human and community resources.

Program Highlights

Family and Consumer Sciences

Catahoula Parish falls above the Louisiana state average in health data including cancers, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Over 37% of our Louisiana children are reported as obese. We are at a critical point in educating our youth and adult population on the risks of unhealthy lifestyles. Nutrition education is provided through FCS agents in the forms of classes, workshops, social media, and local outreach through promoting physical activity. Education focuses on eating a balanced diet, exercise, budgeting, and food safety. Local Area Nutrition Agent has hosted an educational cooking seminar for youth to learn about safe food preparation.

4-H Youth Development

Parish 4-H programs are focusing on Healthy Living using the Growing Minds Toolkit from the Seeds to Success program. Youth and volunteers have opportunities to participate in pet shows, cookery contests as well as other events and workshops. Shooting Sports remains to increase in each year. 4-H Food Challenge has been a successful venture. Service-learning projects are held throughout the year to reach communities in need. Youth continue to engage in summer and specialty camp activities along with 4-H University. Youth experience hands-on activities with District and State Livestock shows, Ag Expo, Ag Alley, and Ag Adventures. Youth develop leadership skills through serving as officers of local clubs, junior leadership club, conducting parish contests and Regional Leadership Board.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Catahoula is a major agriculture parish that produces cotton, corn, soybeans, wheat, grain sorghum, and rice. Every growing season brings on its own unique issues therefore, farmers rely on information from the LSU AgCenter to remain profitable. Core block variety demonstrations are conducted on farms within the parish to provide variety performance data to help producers make the best decisions during planting. In addition, the Delta Master Gardener members have worked intensely with the community to share their knowledge and skills with others.

Whom we reach:

  • 1,242 youth (includes 192 4-H members, 11 school 4-H clubs, and Cloverbuds)
  • 1,235 adults (743 agriculture and natural resources and 492 family consumer sciences)

How we reach them:

4-H Clubs, school enrichment, field days, publications, newsletters, class series, workshops, home/farm visits, social media websites

Expanding our efforts:

197 volunteers from 4-H, FCS programs and community involvement, producer demonstrations, multi-parish/state/organizational education efforts, Ag Expo, Ag Alley, Ag Adventures.

Parish Facts:

LSU AgCenter county agents provide research-based information on plant, aquaculture, wildlife and animal enterprises to Catahoula Parish residents. The total dollar amounts from these commodities were:

  • Animal enterprises: $2,965,355 Fisheries and Wildlife: $2,959,368 Plant enterprises: $71,943,567
  • Median household income: $48,259 Persons below poverty: 26.7%
  • Land area: 708.03 square miles Population: 8,566
  • Population under 18 years old: 21.4%; Population 65 years old & over: 19.3%

Local issues and plans for this year

Increase productivity and profitability of Louisiana agriculture

  • Conduct manganese nutrient study on soybeans.
  • Offer parish pesticide recertification and worker protection training.
  • Produce content for social media accounts and podcasts.
  • Conduct on farm demonstrations and help producers’ problem solve issues.
  • Present to local libraries giving talks about gardening and other plant issues.

Build leaders and good citizens through 4-H Youth Development.

  • Conduct activities to strengthen leadership skills of youth.
  • Develop and implement service-learning projects.
  • Offer programming to increase communication skills and healthy living practices.
  • Increase youth participation in parish, regional, and state events.

Strengthen families and communities

  • Conduct nutrition programming in underserved communities including cooking demonstrations.
  • Work with SNAP eligible clients on budgeting and utilizing commodity- based foods in healthful recipes.
  • Partner with local schools to increase physical activity in and outside of school and how to increase healthy food choices within school.

How Is Extension Funded?

  • Federal funding from the USDA/ NIFA
  • State general funds from the Louisiana Legislature
  • Local support from parish government, including police juries and school boards
  • Self-generated funds

What Role Do You Play?

Our stakeholders at the parish level are the local supporters and beneficiaries of the LSU AgCenter cooperative extension programs. Their support keeps these critical programs in their communities.

Each Parish Offers Programming In:

  • 4-H and Youth Development
  • Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • Family and Consumer Sciences

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Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
