Parish FCS Advisory Council

The responsibilities of the Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) Advisory Leadership Council are to represent their peers, identify needs and issues, identify opportunities for collaboration, be active in sharing their skills and knowledge to help the parish and understand Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service as a community resource. Term will be through 2013.

Next Meeting Date:

FCS Advisory Leadership Council Members



Program Area

M. Passman Community Leader FCS
C. Ainsworth OPH FCS
W. Spence Catahoula Parish Library FCS
J. Sharp OPH FCS
Y. McClure 7th Judicial District Court FCS
P. Barnes DSS Catahoula OCS FCS
M. Scott Catahoula/Concordia OFS FCS
C. Price Catahoula/Concordia OFS FCS
L. Parker LaSalle CAA FCS
P. Terry LSU AgCenter FCS/4-H
M. Cater LSU AgCenter FCS
K. Evans LSU AgCenter FCS
A. Powell LSU AgCenter FCS

MAL - Member at Large
FCS - Family & Consumer Science

Minutes from Meetings

Minutes from the committee meetings will be posted on-line and may be retrieved from the links provided below:

6/29/2006 11:37:12 PM
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