Caldwell's February 4-H newsletter contains the Safety Poster and Photography Contest results.
Caldwell's January 4-H newsletter announces the winners of the Leaf ID contest and contains information about upcoming contests.
Caldwell's December 4-H newsletter contains Fall Foods contest results and information about upcoming events.
The Caldwell 4-H November newsletter contains results for the Art Contest and information about upcoming contests.
Caldwell's October 4-H newsletter contains information about the Shooting Sports signup meeting for this year and the new Fashion Workshop.
The Caldwell 4-H September newsletter contains a review of summer 4-H events and information about the new Art Contest.
Caldwell's March 4-H newsletter contains information about 4-H Camp.
Caldwell's February 4-H newsletter contains Photography Contest and Communication Career contest results.
Caldwell's January 4-H newsletter contains contest information for Communication Career Day, the Beef Poster, Lego Engineering and Dairy Billboard contests.
The November edition has information about upcoming Caldwell 4-H events.
The October edition contains Shooting Sports enrollment meeting information and guidelines for upcoming contests.
The September Caldwell Clover has a summer 4-H review of events and contains information and dates for upcoming contests.
The March Caldwell 4-H newsletter contains information about 4-H Camp and results for the Lego Engineering Contest and Area Cookery Contest.
The Caldwell 4-H February newsletter has the Leaf ID, Photography, Safety Poster, and Communication Career Day contest results.
Caldwell's January 4-H newsletter contains Communication and Career Day information, rules for the Lego Building, Beef Poster, and Dairy Billboard contests.
Caldwell's November 4-H newsletter contains articles about upcoming contests and Teamwork.
The October edition of the Caldwell 4-H newsletter contains information on upcoming contests and Cooperative Communication.
The September 4-H newsletter contains information about the Shooting Sports registration meeting for this club year and a review of summer 4-H accomplishments.
The April edition of the Caldwell Clover announces the winners of the Beef Poster Contest, the Dairy Billboard Contest and the 4-H Pet Show.
The March edition announces the February Clubs of the Month and winners of fall and winter 4-H contests.
The Caldwell 4-H February newsletter has the results for the Safety Poster Contest and Fall Foods Festival.
The January edition of the Caldwell Clover lists the results of the Fashion Revue and Consumer Decision Making Contest.
The Caldwell 4-H November newsletter contains information on the Fashion Revue Contest and the Photography Contest.
The Caldwell 4-H October newsletter contains information on upcoming 4-H contests.
The Caldwell 4-H newsletter for September contains a review of summer 4-H activities and has information on upcoming fall contests.